Dethroning the Queen

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Blake is taking out the fodder demons

Blake sighs: these guys just don't stop coming 'he then summons playful cloud' alright time to destroy them

He then started hitting over and over again untell they stopped and then he turns to a huge wall made of vines

Blake breathed heavily but then calmed down and look at what was in front of him

Blake: alright now how to break through this wall 'he looked down at playful cloud' I wonder

He then put fire magic at the end of playful cloud

He then started swinging again and it went through like it was rubber

Then put the fire out

Blake I am so using that more often

He then kept walking and saw something that looked like a hive

Blake gave a low whistle: if I had a coin for every demon there I'd be rich

Blake gripped his sword and walked into the hive

Then he heard something slither around him

???: You bastard?

Blake: huh?

He looked in the direction of the voice

And sees a women on a snake body

???: How dare you kill my children

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???: How dare you kill my children

Blake blinked a few times

Blake: well in my defence your "children" tried to kill me first

???: Insolent rench you have any idea what you walked in

Blake: looks to be a hive of some kind

??? it's my nest where my children grow

Blake: Yeah, figured as much

Blake then lit his sword on fire

Blake: which is why I'm burning it down along with you

???: Just try it! Human! My name is Echidna and I am the demon queen!

Blake: we prepared to be dethroned, you weed!

Echidna rushes in and then tosses out some eggs that turn in it the demons he saw earlier

Blake gripped his sword and tore them appart

Then she plants herself and vines come out of the ground and and tried to wip him

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