The vampire and the hunter

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Blake's eyes widened in fear as he looked up too see a man standing over him

Dracula: wow it appears you have grown strong boy, being able to defeat one of my strongest subordinates is impressive

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Dracula: wow it appears you have grown strong boy, being able to defeat one of my strongest subordinates is impressive

Blake: S...Subordinates

Blake slowly gets up

Dracula: that is correct, you've defeated demons and gained weapons from them right

Blake nods: Yeah, they call themselves evolved demons

Dracula: The reason they are my subordinates is because I'm the reason for their existence

Blake's eyes widened: How!

Dracula: that's simple boy, anytime I sense a demon that I believe has potential I lock it up in my castle till it evolves beyond its limits, over my time I have done this with 12 demons, so far you have killed 7, and the first six where the weakest of the group, the one you just killed was the 6th strongest

Blake: you're saying

Dracula: Yes, beyond them are 5 other demons who are even stronger than them and of course I stand stronger than any of them

Blake: I don't care!

Dracula: What!?

Blake: I don't care how strong those demons are! I will kill you for what you did to gramps!

He gripped his new scythe and brought it down onto Dracula who caught it but the ground beneath him cracked

Dracula: you have become strong...'he reels his fist back' but not strong enough!

He strikes Blake in the gut and he's sent flying and skids across the ground

Blake: ugh,..that hurt way more than that beast

Dracula: I already told you I was stronger than them boy, you need to listen

Blake got up and spat out some blood

Blake: fine I'll listen if you tell me why you killed gramps

Dracula: and why would you need to know

Blake: because you obviously have a reason and I want to know it

Dracula: the last request of a dead man, I guess I can give you that, Well a long time ago I had a family, a wife and two children, they where my pride and joy


Dracula v.o: one day my children where hungry and they desperately needed blood

We see two vampiric children in trees looking tired and hungry

That's when a mother and her daughter walked past they where talking happily about getting home to see their husband/father

But clearly the vampires had other plans they dove from the trees and jumped on the people

Quickly sinking their fangs into their necks sucking out all the blood and nutrients they needed

And with that they fled

Dracula V.o: Little did I know what would happen later

A few hours later

Dracula walks into his kids rooms too find his wife and children slaughtered and a man was standing over them wielding a sword

He was covered in scars and blood, he looked angry

The sword he wielded was interesting it looked sharp enough to cut through anything with ease

The sword he wielded was interesting it looked sharp enough to cut through anything with ease

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Blake: wait! Don't tell me!

Dracula v.o: correct boy, this man who killed my family was the murderer you call gramps

Blake: (gramps why)

Dracula then as you can imagine we fought

He kept screaming they killed my family and I always responded with you killed mine

Blake: (oh so that's why) Wait!

Dracula: what is it boy!

Blake: that mother and her daughter, gramps mentioned having a family who where killed by demons, those felons where your children

Dracula: I am well aware of that

Blake: ..what?

Dracula: I don't care that his family is dead, my children could've murdered any person and I wouldn't of cared, but what I do care about is your gramps murdered my family

Blake growled and Dracula continued

Dracula V.O: oh battle was fierce I've never had a human push my so farm even after he had clawed out parts of his arm and gut he kept fighting like a wounded beast, he was able to land a lot of hits on my as well, he took my arm and one of my eyes, but that didn't slow me down eventually he landed his sword into my gut, a centimetre away from my heart

I decided it was time to run

I didn't imagine he'd live either but he did and he retired living his life in the forest, killing any demons that wandered in then he found and trained you so I decided too have you feel the same pain he caused me too feel losing the only one you cared about

Dracula: Tell me boy how did that feel!?

Blake was on his feet: It was the most awful feeling I've ever felt, but I'm somewhat grateful for it

Dracula: and why would that be?

Blake: without you, I would've never got so strong, a lot of people would be dead without me, I know gramps is proud and I'm about to make him even prouder

Dracula: and how's that

Blake draws his sword and holds it loosely

Blake: by defeating you, are you ready monster for round 2!

Dracula: if you want to die fighting, who am I to deny a man his last wish

They rush at each other

And that's wrap

Ooh interesting

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