The spark

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The two are staring each other down

Blake: you didn't answer my question, Who are you?

??: hmm how impolite you should always introduce yourself first

Blake's eye twitched and he sighs:

??: My name is Nevan

Blake: I take it you're not gonna let me out are you?

Nevan: you're astute how annoying

Blake rushes at her sword in hand

Nevan then protects herself with a group of bats she summoned

Blake sliced through all of them and then went to strike devan herself

But then

Nevan called down a bolt of lightning and it struck Blake

Blake: Argh! And here I thought lightning didn't strike twice in the same place

Nevan: aww what's wrong little boy, don't have lightning magic

Blake's eye switched: not yet you old hag

Nevan: ...what was that?

Blake smirked: is your hearing going?

Nevan: You're dead boy!

She then unleashed a huge army of bats

Blake started slicing through them and dodging them but eventually one of the bats bit down on him and he wrenched it off

Blake: Argh! Little freak!

Blake rushed at Nevan but his movements seemed slower than before

He then blasted him with lightning right in the chest sensing him flying back into the wall

Blake: argh! Dammit!

He then tried to get back up but fells to his knees

Blake: what did you do too me bitch!

Nevan: well, little boy, those bats I summon have a posion that paralyses anyone, people with high magic have more of a resistance like you but lightning magic grants an immunity which you don't have

The bats then swarmed him and started biting him again Blake felt himself slowly losing consciousness

Blake: (Come on gramps, how do I do this)

Nevan: any last words

Blake: (Come on! Wait!)


Blake and Gramps are training magic

Blake: Hey gramps how does someone use lightning magic, I've been trying but I can't

Gramps laughs: that's because you took so easily to wind, lightning is practically the opposite,

Blake: but how did I do it

Gramps: well usually people don't even try but there is a way

Blake: how?

Gramps: you have to be struck by lightning

Blake: Huh?

Gramps: I'm serious, beeping struck by the element helps your body adjust too it and if you survive all you need to do is focus on the feeling of being struck and then let your magic flow and it will appear

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