The Devourer

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Blake was face to face with that thing and all he felt was fear

The beast reared its head and then lifted its massive claw then swung it at Blake

And it struck


Blake was sent flying back until he was skidding along the ground

The beast then roared and Blake realised how the villages had been destroyed this beast's mouth was like a black hole, it could suck anything into it and reduce it too nothing but food for the monster

Blake stabbed his sword into the ground to hold himself in place and also used his wind magic to stop himself from flying off eventually the beast stops

Blake breaths a sigh of relief until the monster took flight and flew right at him and this time a giant bony tail was aimed at him

Blake used his wind magic to jump over and brought his sword down on it


his sword just bounced off


The beast raised its tail and swatted Blake sending him crashing into one of the last trees and the tree feel upon impact

Blake: Ugh! 'He coughs out a little blood' this thing it's stronger than anything I've ever faced, but there's no reason to give up now!

Blake rushed in this time grabbed playful cloud and using his wind magic he jumped up and slammed it down onto the beasts head

But once against it didn't do a thing and just bounced off

Blake: oh.....Crap

He dragon swung its head and Blake was once again sent flying and was skipped along the ground like a stone before coming to a painful stop

Blake: ugh...this would be a really good time for one of those awakenings I've been having lately

But knowing it wasn't coming anytime soon he got back up and summoned his new weapon he had referred too as

But knowing it wasn't coming anytime soon he got back up and summoned his new weapon he had referred too as

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Blake got ready for battle preparing his gauntlets and getting into a fighting stance

The Dragon seemed angry now and once again swung its tail at the warrior but this time Blake was ready

Using the gauntlets he was able to counter the attack completely stopping in its tracks

Blake: Heh! Now it's my turn!

Blake used his wind magic and rushed at the beast ready to take it down

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