Its time for round 2

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Dracula swung his fist at Blake but he disappears in a gust of wind

Dracula: what the..

Blake appeared behind him and kicked him in the side sending him kidding back

Dracula: (that..hurt)

Blake grinned a little: You like that well I've got plenty more of them for you

Dracula: fine boy, You really want to challenge me I'll build you a funeral pyre

Dracula struck Blake in the gut but he took the hit gritted his teeth and delivered a right hook to Dracula's jaw

Both of them skidded back

Blake: ugh (dammit that hurt)

Dracula: how are you moving so well after fighting that demon

Blake: simple while you where monologging I used healing magic, now I'm almost back to 100%

Dracula: (he played me) well boy, you are smarter than I gave you credit for, fine I'll show you a little bit of my full power

Dracula disappeared

Blake: (alright magic sense 'he sensed around' wait where is he)

Dracula: behind you

Blake: dammit!

Dracula sends him flying with a huge kick and then rushes to catch uo with the flying Blake

He then strikes him repeatedly in the gut and the face delivering stronger blows every single time

Blake: (Dammit!)

He then waited until his foot briefly touched the ground and then called on his earth magic to send a pillar of earth upwards slam,ing right into Dracula's gut

He then used his wind magic and started doing what Dracula did too him punching his gut and face over and over again in rapid succession not even giving him a moment to breathe

He then flew over him and slammed his leg down for a massage axe kick

Dracula slams too the ground

Blake then summons Gilgamesh and readies the drills he charges them with lightning

Blake: it's over!

Blake rushes right down at the vampire his fist transformed into a drill covered in lightning

He then daunting it right on Dracula and a massive shockwave was unleashed

But when the dust clears it reveals Dracula standing there having caught Blake's fist

Dracula: I will admit boy, that actually stung a little, you have grown but

He crushes Gilgamesh with his hand and breaks Blake's hand along with it

Dracula: not strong enough

He then flung Blake to the side like he was nothing

Dracula: Do you even know who I am there's no way a kid like you could beat me

Blake slowly got back up

He coughs out a little blood and definitely notices his right hand isn't working anymore

Blake: Maybe but I won't know unless I try, it was your family that started this anyway, by murdering his wife and daughter

Dracula: my children needed to feed

Blake: They could've eaten some animals or something

Dracula: that's true, but no children of mine would

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