Chapter 4

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A realization dawned on me as I thought about school—what time was it? I instantly checked my phone: 10:36am, and my battery was at 24%.

I looked around for Val and quickly headed to her kitchen. Her dorm was nicer than mine by a long shot.

"Aren't we late for school?!" I panicked, but was met with a chuckle.

"It's a bank holiday." My eyes widened and I felt so dumb, my cheeks heating up.I left those thoughts behind as I caught the smell of pancakes she was making.

So she could cook? Damn.

"Smells amazing." I made my way over to her, watching what she was doing.

"Should I be flattered?" She asked, rolling her eyes with a chuckle.

"Very, actually," I replied with the same sarcasm.

She flipped a pancake effortlessly, the aroma intensifying.

"Do you want some coffee or tea?" she asked, glancing at me."Coffee, please," I said, sliding onto the counter.

Val nodded and poured a cup from the pot already brewing. "I figured you'd need a caffeine fix after your little panic attack."

"Hey, anyone could forget it's a bank holiday," I defended myself, taking the cup she offered. "Especially when your phone is dying, and you're in a sleep-deprived haze."

She laughed, the sound light and melodic. "Excuses, excuses."

I took a sip of the coffee, savoring the warmth and slight bitterness.

"So, what are you going to do today?" I asked, watching as she plated the pancakes.

Val shrugged, setting the plate in front of me. "I didn't really have any plans."

She handed me a plate, and I made my way over to her table, taking a seat across from her.

Last night, I remembered seeing game posters in her room.

"So, uh, you into gaming?" I asked tentatively, not wanting to come across as strange if she wasn't actually a gamer.

She raised an eyebrow, then smiled. "Of course, I have a PC."

"Can we play?" I blurted out eagerly, my excitement palpable.

"First, eat," she replied with a hint of authority in her voice.

"Eat first," I mimicked under my breath, slightly annoyed. She really could be bossy.

I quickly finished my pancakes, but she seemed to take forever to finish hers, which was surprisingly exhausting.

"Come on, hurry up," I complained, watching her eat even slower, as if to deliberately annoy me.

"Patience," she teased with a smirk."Patience, my ass. You're already done," I retorted, grabbing her plate and moving it aside with mine.

She rolled her eyes but gestured for me to follow her to her room.

"So, what platform do you play on?" She asked, but I didn't notice as I finally noticed she had both a PS5 and a PC. This girl might be perfect.

"I was asking you a question," she said, looking amused.

"Oh, uh, PS," I answered sheepishly.

I then got distracted by a notification on my phone. It was Bree and Grace asking to hang out. Now I was conflicted. Should I spend time with Val or them?


End if chapter, I know its kinda short 😭

This chapter you can decide what Riley does ☺️

Only 500 words 🙄

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