Chapter 9

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Val's POV:

Riley asked to hang out alone for once, and I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. It had been ages since we hung out just the two of us. Would it feel awkward? Probably not; Riley and I always had a way of making things fun.

I rummaged through my closet, trying to find something that looked smart but not too formal. After several discarded options, I settled on a pair of dark jeans and a light blue button-down shirt. I wanted to look good for Riley, but I wasn't entirely sure why. My reflection showed a hint of nervousness, which I quickly brushed off as my phone vibrated.

It was a message from Riley, telling me to meet her at the seafront in half an hour. She had everything planned out, as usual. I smiled, feeling a mix of anticipation and curiosity about what she had in store for us.

As I headed out, the evening sky was painted in hues of orange and pink, promising a beautiful night. The seafront was a good fifteen-minute walk from my place, so I had just enough time to get there.

Riley's POV:

Tonight was the night. I had planned everything meticulously. Val and I were finally going to have a night to ourselves, and I was going to confess my feelings. My stomach churned with a blend of excitement and nerves, but I knew it was now or never.

I arrived at the seafront a bit early to make sure everything was perfect. The salty sea breeze tugged at my hair as I made my way to our meeting spot, a cozy little bench overlooking the ocean. I checked my phone to see if Val had messaged, but there was nothing yet. Good, she was on time.

A few minutes later, I spotted Val walking towards me, looking effortlessly gorgeous in her jeans and button-down shirt. My heart did a little flip, and I had to remind myself to stay calm. Tonight was going to be perfect.

"Hey, Val!" I called out, waving.

Val's POV:

I saw Riley waving at me from a distance. She looked stunning, her hair catching the light of the setting sun. I waved back, quickening my pace.

"Hey, Riley!" I greeted her, trying to keep my voice steady. "You look great."

"Thanks! You too," she replied, smiling brightly. "Ready for a fun night?"

"Always," I said, matching her enthusiasm.

We started walking along the promenade, the conversation flowing easily as we caught up on each other’s lives. Riley was full of stories about her recent adventures, and I found myself laughing more than I had in a while.

Our first stop was a small, quirky arcade that Riley loved. As soon as we walked in, the sounds of beeping machines and clinking coins surrounded us. Riley’s eyes lit up as she pulled me toward the nearest game.

"Come on, let's see who can win the most tickets," she challenged, her competitive spirit shining through.

"You're on," I replied with a grin.

We spent the next hour jumping from game to game, laughing and cheering each other on. Riley had a knack for the claw machine, while I dominated the basketball hoops. By the end of it, we were both holding an impressive stash of tickets.

"I think we can get something cool with these," Riley said, eyeing the prize counter.

We pooled our tickets and picked out matching keychains, each shaped like a little star. Riley handed me mine with a smile.

"Now we’ll always have something to remember tonight by," she said.

Riley's POV:

The arcade was a blast, and I was relieved that Val was having such a good time. We walked out, still laughing about my failed attempt to win a giant stuffed bear.

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