Chapter 8

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Mention of panic attack!

Val's POV:

"No, I'm fine, just bruised, I think," I reassured Riley, watching her concern ease a bit.

"You sure?" she asked, her voice soft.

I nodded, giving her a small smile. "Yeah, I'll be okay."

The rest of the evening flew by, and before I knew it, I was getting changed for school the next day. My arm was still sore, but I was determined to push through it. The anticipation of the hockey game later kept my spirits high.

Riley's POV:**

I woke up to the sound of my alarms blaring at 6 a.m. An early start because of our hockey game today. I groaned, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. The excitement and nerves mingled in my stomach as I got out of bed.

I grabbed all my gear and shoved it into a bag, quickly getting myself ready before leaving to hit the lockers. The game was luckily taking place at my school, so I didn't have to worry about traveling. Still, the pressure was on.

When I arrived at the locker room, it was buzzing with energy. My teammates were already there, some chatting excitedly, others silently preparing. I spotted Val, her arm still in a sling, offering words of encouragement to everyone. Seeing her made my heart flutter, but I tried to focus on the game ahead.

We suited up and headed to the ice. The usual quiet of the rink was replaced by the sounds of our skates and the occasional cheer from our friends and classmates who had come to watch. As we lined up infront of the opposite team, I stole a glance at Val her eyes locked on the rink. Her presence was reassuring.

The game started fast and intense. Our team was playing well, coordinating passes and making sharp plays. I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins as I skated, the puck a blur as it moved between players.

Midway through the first period, we managed to score the first goal. Our small crowd cheered, and I felt a surge of pride. But the opposing team wasn't backing down. They came back with a vengeance, their aggression palpable.

During a particularly heated scramble for the puck, I found myself in the middle of the action. The opposing team's forward came at me hard, and I reacted instinctively, pushing back. The next thing I knew, I had barged into a girl, sending her sprawling onto the ice.

The referee's whistle pierced the air, and my heart sank. "Penalty, number 17, two minutes for boarding," the announcer's voice boomed.

I skated to the penalty box, frustration and guilt gnawing at me. As I sat down, the words "I'm not good enough" started running through my head. My breath quickened, and I felt a tightness in my chest. My vision blurred, and I realized I was on the verge of a panic attack.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Val watching me intently. She must have noticed my distress because she quickly made her way over to the penalty box.

"Riley," she called softly, her voice cutting through the haze of my panic. "Riley, look at me."

I turned my eyes to her, trying to focus on her calm expression.

"Take a deep breath," she instructed, demonstrating with a slow, deep breath. "In through your nose, out through your mouth. You're okay."

I mirrored her breathing, slowly regaining control. Val's steady presence anchored me, and the panic began to subside.

"You've got this. Just stay focused and play your game."

Her words gave me strength. The penalty felt like an eternity, but with Val's encouragement, I managed to calm down and refocus.

When my time in the penalty box was up, I skated back onto the ice with renewed determination. The game was still fiercely competitive, and I knew I had to give it my all.

The second period was a blur of fast-paced action. Our team managed to hold onto the lead, but the opposing team was relentless. They tied the game just before the end of the period, and we knew the final period would be a battle.

As the third period began, I felt a renewed sense of determination. I pushed harder, skating faster, and focusing on every pass and play. With five minutes left on the clock, we managed to break through their defense. Bree made a perfect pass to Grace, who shot the puck into the net. Our small crowd erupted in cheers, and we regained the lead.

But the game wasn't over. The opposing team fought back fiercely, and with just a minute left, they pulled their goalie for an extra attacker. The tension was palpable as we defended our goal, every second feeling like an hour.

In the final seconds, the puck came towards me. I managed to clear it out of our zone, and the buzzer sounded. We had won. Our classmates cheered, and my teammates swarmed me, celebrating our hard-fought victory.

As we skated off the ice, I saw Val waiting for me. Her smile was wide, her eyes shining with pride.

"You were amazing" she said, pulling me into a hug.

I felt my cheeks flush. "Really? Thanks."

She nodded, her expression serious for a moment. "You really scared me when you got sent to the penalty box.'

Her words meant the world to me. "I just wanted to make you proud," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.

Val's smile softened. "You dont have to make me 'proud,' you know?"

We stood there for a moment, the noise of the post-game chatter fading into the background. In that instant, everything felt right. The game, the win, and most importantly, Val.

My thoughts were interrupted as we passed the other team and they hurled insults our way. I ignored them, refusing to let their words get to me.


Time skip.


We had the rest of the school day off, and I finally mustered up the courage to ask Val something. But first, I had to find her.

As I walked past the stands, I overheard a conversation. "Minnesota was slacking today," a voice said. Curious, I peeked through and saw Val and her friends talking about me.

"Yeah, for real," another of Val's friends chimed in.

"She was clearly stressed. I don't know why you're going so hard on her," Val said, defending me. A smile crept onto my face, but I didn't want to be caught eavesdropping, so I quietly slipped away.

I decided to meet up with Bree and Grace instead, thinking it would be good to spend some time with them.

But I still decided to throw Val a text.


R: Would you like to go somewhere later?

V: Like where?

R: Anywhere, I js wanna go out w you.

V: Oh? 🤨, anyways sure. Lmk when.


I'm thinking of confessing later.


I'm leaving you guys on this 😭

Thank u sm for the support recently 🫶🫶

Remember, if u have any suggestions js leave them below

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