Chapter 11

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Vals POV;

I woke up before my alarm, the clock reading 5:23 a.m. I still had about an hour or so before I had to get up. As I processed my surroundings, I noticed who was lying on my chest. A smile crept onto my face, and I rested a hand on her hair, running my fingers gently through it. Riley looked so peaceful as she slept, her breathing relaxed, her features illuminated by the sunbeam streaming through the window and landing on her face. I can't believe we're together.

Riley's POV:

The sound of my alarm burst my eardrums. I rolled over and turned it off before laying back down. Realizing Val was here, I quickly sat back up, rubbing my eyes.

"Morning," I yawned.

I heard her giggle. "You look like you're in a daze."

"Mm..." I rested my head on her neck, my hot breath brushing against her skin.

Val chuckled softly. "Did you sleep well?"

I nodded, my eyes still half-closed. "Yeah, best sleep ever."

"We should get ready for school soon," Val said, her voice gentle yet tinged with reluctance.

"Yeah... should we do something later?" I asked.

"Like what?"

"Maybe go somewhere, you can bring your friends, and I'll bring Bree and Grace."

"Oh, we should go to that skatepark," she suggested.

"You skate?" My eyes lit up slightly.

"Yeah, well—not much, but I'm okay at it." She chuckled.

I hugged her before giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm gonna go get dressed," I said, getting up to start my day.

I put on some jorts and a random shirt, tying my hair into a ponytail. Satisfied with my look, I headed back out and found Val changing. I blushed furiously.

She was surprisingly toned, thanks to our hockey games—slim, but with visible muscles. She was wearing a black bra and pulling on some joggers and a shirt with a satanic skull design.

"You know, I can practically feel you staring through my soul," she chuckled. I quickly averted my gaze, my cheeks heating up even more.

"S-sorry," I stuttered with embarrassment.

"It's fine," she said, walking up to me, her shirt still off. "Why so embarrassed?"

"I-I don't know," I stammered, feeling nervous as she got closer.

She chuckled before pulling on her shirt. "No need to be. We're together now."

"I know, you're just so... hot," I blurted out, my eyes widening in surprise at my own words.

"Oh, yeah?" She leaned in, and before I knew it, we were kissing.

Her lips were soft and warm against
mine, and I felt a rush of emotions.
She wrapped her arms around my
waist, pulling me closer. My hands
found their way to her back, tracing the contours of her muscles. The kiss
deepened, and then she moved to my
neck, planting gentle, lingering kisses
along my skin. Each kiss sent a shiver
down my spine, and I felt my breath
hitch as she found a particularly
sensitive spot.

Finally, we pulled away, both of us breathless. She looked into my eyes, her expression a mix of amusement and affection.

"We really should be getting ready to leave for school," she said, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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