Stuck In Between Two Best Friends Ch. 5

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"Bye mom! Have a safe trip!" I said hugging my mother tightly. "H...honey, nothing is going to happen to me. And you're hugging me too tight Sapphire," she spoke as if her life was being sucked out of her.

"Heh, sorry," I let go of her and hugged Matthew's and Jayden's parents goodbye. "Now you kids be safe and don't throw any parties!" Matthew's dad said sternly but couldn't hide his smile.

"You know how we are dad. We won't throw any parties!" Matthew smiled innocently. His mother glanced at him, knowing that he probably would. "Now sweetie, don't give him any ideas," she said stepping on her husband's foot.

"Flight 13 is ready for departure in ten minutes!" The intercom announced throughout the airport giving the first warning.

"We should get going right now!" My mother paniced at hearing the announcement. "Goodbye kids!"

"Bye!" We all said together.

The adults went to get their carry-on bags checked and waved at us through the thick, clear windows that separated us from each other. My mother looked at me, trying to remind me about the little talk we had before we went to the airport, with her eyes.

I rolled my eyes and nodded my head, telling her I remembered our chat.

Our talk was pretty much uncomfortable, awkward you could say. She told me about how I should watch myself and that Matthew is getting to the age where sex is all that matters, or getting too physical. She also tried to give me the "talk." I basically had to sit there for at least an hour, listening to her go on and on about how dangerous it is.

"Are you ready to leave?" Matthew asked me, making me snap out of my previous chat. "Yeah. Let's head home," I said walking away. My mother was going to call me when she got to Mexico where her cruise trip will be starting, heading towards South America. She sure has a lot of time on her hands.

Jayden, Matthew, and I all headed towards the two cars that we took to the airport separately. Jayden took his parents' while I went with Matthew in his car.

"Are you ignoring Jayden at the moment?" Matthew asked, getting ready to merge on the highway.

"Ignoring Jayden? No, of course not! Why?" I said a bit nervously but hid it well so Matthew doesn't notice.

"You haven't talked to him all last night and this morning. I was just curious. I thought that maybe something might've happened between you two."

Something did happen alright but you aren't going to know, I thought in my head. "No, it's just that I didn't have anything to say to him?" I said it more like a question than a response.

"Right..." He obviously didn't believe that but he didn't press any further, which is why I respect him.

"Matthew, can we not talk about Jayden? Let's talk about our vacation away from our parents again!" I sighed deeply and rubbed my temples, trying to ease myself and keep Jayden out of my mind.

"You're right. We have another two weeks to ourselves, don't we?" He smiled. I nodded my head and rested my head against the window pane. "But... my father made me get a job," he said quickly.

"A job? That's good. But what are your hours and where are you working?" I asked looking at him, feeling a bit disappointed that he won't be with me all long but it could be a good thing being away from a bit so I don't get too stressed and annoyed.

"I'm the clerk for some hardware store. Which isn't bad, I'm pretty good with people and numbers," he laughed softly, my favorite laugh of his, sending that tingling sensation down my back. "I work on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursday, and sometimes Sundays, from nine in the morning to five in the afternoon."

"So... You're working tomorrow?" I asked him. He nodded his head. "You should get a job too. I'm not saying you should work with me, since it'll probably be boring working in a hardware store, but you could try places that seem interesting to you," he went on.

"I suppose I could. Why try to get me interested? You don't want me to stay home alone with Jayden or have all the fun while you're working?" I teased poking his cheek.

"Th...That's not it!" He stuttered. I ignored and laughed. "Mhmm. I'll think about it."

Matthew pulled into the driveway and parked behind Jayden, who came here before us. We got out of the car and went inside. "Do you guys want to watch a movie with some friends tonight over here?" I asked both of them and finally looked at Jayden in the eye.

He seemed to be relieved that I was talking to him once again. "Sure, that sounds fine with me," Jayden said. Matthew nodded his head in agreement. I smiled and called Camille right away in Matthew's room, since we were at his house.

"Movies at Matt's house," I said right away to her once she pick.

"Well hello to you too," she said. "So anything happen between you and JayJay?" she asked.

"JayJay?" I asked her laughing. "What is with you and making nicknames for others?"

"Well? Anything?" She ignored me and sounded anxious.


"No? Really? I thought he would've tried something!" She screamed more to herself than to me.

"Camille, just let everyone know there is a movie at Matt's," I said and ended the phone call.

I walked out and closed the door. When I turned around, I bumped straight into someone, not just anyone but Jayden. I could tell by his cologne, it smelled nice like a fresh summer day, not that I pay close attention to what he puts on!

"Uh, sorry." I muttered and was about to step to the side of him.

"Wait, are you ignoring me?" Jayden stepped in my way. He was so close to me that I could smell his Wintergreen gum.

"Of course not." I said keeping my head down, not looking up in his beautifull green eyes. Beautiful? No, more like, hypnotizing, soul-sucking green eyes. Eyes that will make fall in his deadly trap and make you think that he is sweet.

"That's not what it looks like to me," he said, keeping his voice low so that Matthew couldn't possibly hear us, "because you didn't talk to me last night." I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to make this scene go away, trying to get out of this stupid conversation.

"Jayden, just move please. I'm not ignoring you, okay? I'm talking to you aren't I?" I snapped and stepping around him and practically ran down the soft, carpeted stairs.

"Matthew?" I said, searching for him frantically. "I'm in the kitchen," he yelled. I speed-walked towards him and hugged him from behind. "Whoa, Sapphire, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, just don't leave me alone. Okay?" I asked.

"Promise," he patted my hands assuringly and continued to make waffles.

I could feel Jayden's stare from behind and I hugged Matthew tighter trying to get the feeling off my back.

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A bit boring, no?

Well it's been too long since I posted, so I decided to post as soon as I can and bring some tension rising for the next part!

I hope you liked!

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Thanks to all for sticking with me and waiting oh-so patiently for me to post new chapters! :)

Love you guys!

-- Sam <33

Stuck In Between Two Best Friends *Sequel To S.I.A.C.W.H*Where stories live. Discover now