Stuck In Between Two Best Friends --Ch. 2--

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Stuck In Between Two Best Friends

Chapter Two.

Matthew's P.O.V.

"Jerk," someone slammed me into the wall. I looked up to see who banged me against the wall. Jayden. "What did I do?" I asked, knowing fully well what he is about to tell me. "It's not what you did. It's what you didn't do," Jayden corrected. It was at least one in the morning and I got up to get a glass of water until I was stopped by Jayden. "Why are you up so early?" I asked keeping my calm.

"Went to the bathroom," he answered while holding me against the wall. Jee, this is quite awkward. He's really close to me. "Jayden, are you... uh... different?" I whispered. I didn't want to say the word "gay" or "bisexual" it could offend him. "No!" he hissed knowing what I meant. He took a step back and looked at me hard.

"Spit it out. I have to go back to bed before Sapphire starts to worry," I said walking away. "Why didn't you tell her," Jayden said. I stopped and sighed. "I don't know," I murmured quietly. "You didn't tell her because you had a crush on her. You were jealous that I kissed Sapphire at the 8th grade party that you weren't at," he said. "Well, see. You know the answer. Why are you asking me?" I asked in a smartass tone.

"You didn't tell her I said good bye and that I'm coming back for her," he said. "Sapphire can't wait and be single for a few years until you get back. She has a life you know. And I bet you were fucking other girls where you lived." I waited for his reply but I got none to my satisfaction. "That's what I thought," I said as I headed back to the stairs. "I only did it twice. But I bet you done it a lot more than I have," he said. I didn't say anything to that. He was right.

"I'm not going to tell Sapphire that I said good bye. You can do it yourself since it's your fault," Jayden pushed past me and went upstairs to the guest room. I wasn't planning on telling Sapphire anytime soon. I have to wait for the right moment. But I know if I tell her what Jayden told me, she will hold a grudge against me just like she did from freshman through junior year.

I went back upstairs and laid next to Sapphire, facing her way. Her black mane was sprawled on my pillow and her mouth was slightly opened. I wiped my thumb gently on the corner of her mouth where there was drool. She moved a little bit but didn't wake up.

I adjusted myself to lie completely on my back and I put my hands behind my head while staring up at the ceiling. Jayden was right. I was jealous that he got to kiss Sapphire before me. I had a crush on her but I wasn't in love with her until the end of sophomore year.

I felt completely stupid for going out with those other girls and ignoring Sapphire. The only reason I did it was because Jayden told me he was coming back for her. I didn't want to get close to her and start a relationship. So, I used the other girls to keep me away from her. But that didn't stop me from seeing her everyday. I would sneak glances at her occasionally in class, watching her doing her homework or talking to her friends.

I did get jealous every time she talked to Kyle or Camille. They became her best friends and I wasn't hers anymore. I also watched her from my window when she was on the balcony. Yeah, it makes me sound like a creep but I had feelings for her.

Stuck In Between Two Best Friends *Sequel To S.I.A.C.W.H*Where stories live. Discover now