Stuck In Between Two Best Friends *Ch. Three*

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Stuck In Between Two Best Friends  

Chapter Three.  

"Wow, you still remember this place?" I asked in awe looking up at Ginger's Pizza Palace. "Yeah, of course I do," he rubbed the back of his neck. "Thanks Jayden for bringing me here," I smiled up at him. "No problem," he grinned. We walked in and found an empty booth. I was surprised to see a lot of people in here. I didn't know it was still in business.  

"So you didn't come here often did you?" He asked. "No. I forgot all about this place once you left," I admitted sheepishly. "Hello! Welcome to Ginger's Pizza Palace. My name is Cheryl and I'll be your server for today," a woman with red hair and pale skin said. "Would you like anything to drink?" She asked. "Water, please," I said. "Same with me," Jayden said. She nodded her head and left.  

"Do you recognize anyone here?" Jayden asked looking around. "Yeah! Don't you? You went to school with some! There's Derek, Patricia, and Ryan," I pointed towards a table of jocks and cheerleaders. "Whoa! They changed a lot. Especially Patricia. Wasn't she the bottom of the food chain in 8th grade?" He asked surprised. I nodded my head. "She decided to dye her brown hair to blonde. She got a spray tan, got her braces off, got blue contacts, and worked out a lot," I said.  

"There's Molly and Tanner. They're dating now," I pointed over to another table. "Didn't see that coming," he muttered. I nodded my head. "Yup, a lot of things has changed since you left."  

"I can see," he mumbled. "Like you and Matthew dating. To be honest, I didn't see that coming," he admitted. "Really? I actually had a crush on him since 8th grade," I blushed. "You guys make a great couple," he smiled. "You think so? A lot of girls don't think so. I guess because they were Matthew's groupies," I said. "Well they still are but Matthew ignores them now," I smiled thinking back to the day where he told a girl off and said that I was his only girl.  

"They'll get over it," Jayden smiled. "I hope so. They pulled a lot of pranks on me," I said thinking back to the times where they tripped me, took my clothes while I was in P.E class and I had to wear my P.E clothes the whole day. I sweated in those! I probably smelled but thank goodness Camille had perfumed. They also tried to make me jealous by being around Matthew and sucking up to him but it didn't work because he would always push them away.  

"He's a lucky guy. He is really lucky to have someone like you," Jayden smiled at me. My smile faltered for a bit. Great, don't tell me Jayden likes me like that. I shrugged my shoulder. "I'm not perfect," I laughed. "No one is. But it's just your personality and how beautiful you are," he said looking at me intently. "Thank you," I blushed.  

"Oh, what a surprise! Sapphire and some guy I don't know," a familiar voice said sliding in next to me. "Camille? What are you doing her? With George and Kyle..." I trailed off looking at them. "George and I were going on a date and then we saw Kyle being a depressed little puppy so we brought him along. Later on, we saw you and this guy together and we decided to stop bye and say hi," she said in a quick breath.  

"Hi, I'm Camille, Sapphire's best friend. Did you know she already has a boyfriend named Matthew and they are madly in love with each other?" She asked. "Camille," I hissed. "Sorry but he's looking at you like the way Matthew looks at you," she observed. "I'm Jayden," Jayden said squirming uncomfortable in his seat. He was probably feeling quite awkward now. I glared at Camille.  

"Oh, so you're the childhood Jayden. The asswipe who left her with the old jerk face Matthew," Camille said. "Camille!" My eyes widened. Who does she think she is? Why is she being so rude! "Jayden, can you excuse us for a bit?" I asked him politely. "Sure..." he said. "Kyle, don't do anything rude like Camille!" I hissed. "Wh...what? Why me?" He asked. "Because I know George wouldn't do something stupid," I huffed and pulled Camille with me outside.  

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked angry. "Saving your ass. Sapphire, that's the guy that left you!" Camille gestured towards Jayden. We could see him from outside through the windows. "Just so you know, he left because his grandma was dying," I said. "Well how am I supposed to know?" She asked. "I could have told you later on if you didn't made him feel like shit," I said.  

"Sorry but still Sapphire. I'm getting this bad vibe from him. Just like I got one from Brittany," she crossed her arms. "You did? How come you didn't tell me when you got it from Brittany?" I asked raising my eyebrows. "I don't know! But I don't trust this Jayden. He may seem like the old Jayden but he could be acting!" She said.  

"Thanks Camille for your crazy ideas," I walked off. "Sapphire! I'm sorry! But just... I'm being paranoid," she finally said. "You're forgiven, kind of. I'm still partially mad at you. And really, there is nothing wrong with Jayden," I said. "I... you," she hesitated. I gave her one last look and went back inside.  

"Sorry. It took so long," I said sliding in the booth. "It's fine. I ordered the pizza while you were out. I got your favorite, pepperoni," Jayden smiled. "Wow, you can remember that too?" I asked grinning. He nodded his head. "Kyle... why are you still here?" I asked noticing that Camille and George left. "You don't want me here?" He asked pouting. "Yes! I mean no. I mean you can stay but I was wondering why you didn't go with them," I said.  

"They went out to their date and Camille told me to stay here since you're not on a date," he said. "But if I'm in the middle of something important between you two, I can leave," he said. "No, it's fine. You can stay," I smiled. "You're alright with it, right Jayden?" I asked him. "Sure. It's cool," he said. "Here's your pizza. If you need anything at all, ask me," Cheryl smiled and left. We ate and talked. Kyle wasn't as sad as before. "Kyle, why were you sad anyways?" I asked him. "Women," he said biting his pizza. "I know how you feel. It's hard getting the girl you like," Jayden said. "Tell me about it," Kyle laughed dryly.  

"Men," I mumbled under my breath. "You two need to find some women. Or just stay single and use them," I said. "I was kidding about the second one. Don't use them! We aren't toys," I said quickly. "You could go on dates with them and say it's not a real relationship," I continued taking a bite out of my slice of pepperoni pizza.  

"Its easier said than done. Girls are so complicated," Kyle sighed. "We're only complicated because we just want a guy that won't treat us as crap or for his own entertainment," I narrowed my eyes at him. "Don't look at me! I don't use them!" Kyle put his hands up in a defensive way. "I was talking about all guys," I said.  


"That was fun." Jayden and I were walking back to my house. Kyle decided to leave on his own will. I invited him to come with us but he decided against it. Oh well, it's his choice not mine. "It sure was. Did you make any conversation with Kyle and George?" I asked Jayden. "Yeah. They just talked about school and your winter break," Jayden said looking straightforward.  

What did they tell him? "Why are you dating Matthew?" Jayden asked out of the blue. What? Why this question? "What?" I asked stopping. "Why are you dating Matthew?" He asked again and stopped in front of me. "Why not? I like him a lot... Why are you asking?" I asked looking at him suspiciously.

"Do you remember that time where we kissed?" He asked ignoring my question completely. "Jayden, I don't know what you're getting out," I said narrowing my eyes. "I'm trying to give you clues," He said it like it was obvious. "I'm sorry but can we just forget this," I said stepping to the side and continue walking back to my house. "Sorry," he muttered walking beside me.

What is Jayden trying to tell me? That Matthew isn't good enough for me? Or maybe Jayden is trying to say that he likes me. Jayden can't fall for me. That's not fair. I finally got to be with Matthew and now that Jayden is here, he could possibly ruin our relationship! I will not let that happen! I'll give him hints that we can only be friends and nothing more.


Sorry for posting so late!  

Was busy with family!  

Comment and Vote, please! :D


Stuck In Between Two Best Friends *Sequel To S.I.A.C.W.H*Where stories live. Discover now