Chapter Thirty Eight. [S2]

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When we were young we were the ones...
The kings and queens, oh yeah, we ruled the world.
We smoked cigarettes, man, no regrets...
Wish I could relive every single word!


And when you're in the trenches...
And you're under fire I will cover you...

If I was dying on my knees...
You would be the one to rescue me!!
And if you were drowned at sea...
I'd give you my lungs so you could breathe!

I've got you brother...



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ANOTHER half an hour passed by, I felt better. Much relieved. 

JJ stayed with me, John B brought the plate of scrambled eggs and fruits for us and we ate in silence. I needed this. 

The headspace, the silence to work things out in my mind. JJ needed it as well. He's still here, yes. But I know my actions have hurt him to an insurmountable level. I can't really soothe all of that pain and hurt in one kiss, or profusely confessing my love to him. He'd not really believe it. 

I have to prove to him. I have to watch how my actions affect those around me too. Especially JJ. I will get better. Because I want to deserve him. I want to be better for him. 

JJ deserves all the happiness, peace and love the world can offer. And I wanna be the who can give him all those things. I can't be broken and so vulnerable that I'd not care what happens to those around me because I jump head first and without thinking. 

John B and Sarah kept to themselves in the living room, talking amongst themselves as I could hear the soft murmur of their voices. 

I was sat on the bed, looking out the window. JJ pulled the curtain apart and opened the window. Letting the fresh air blow in. He was by the side of the door of our room, picking up the shards of glass that lay scattered broken from the photo frame, before throwing them away in the trash.

"This is a happy don't throw it away" JJ placed a kiss on my forehead as he came back, holding the picture in his hand. 

The one with dad, on mine and JB's sixth birthday. The most perfect day, a happy memory. 

I nodded, taking it from his hand as my fingers ghost over it. The wide smiles, the twinkle in our eyes, so wholesome and happy. I loved this photo. I sighed, before leaning the picture against the small seashell lamp, so it'd stay standing, as though the frame still supported it. 

Just then, JJ and I's attention was caught towards the HMS Pouge sliding up to be parked on the dock. We look out the window, seeing Kie and Pope, their silhouettes small and distinct, but one of them was tying up the knot on the dock. 

Catching the Waves~ JJ Maybank ᣵ¹&ᣵ²Where stories live. Discover now