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real life ;

"so how did you and joe meet again? i know you're not from london," kit asks maylee as they're waiting for their coffee orders to be made.

"oh, i did a show in london a few years ago and we met there," maylee replies, taking her latte from the counter.

"i'm surprised you guys get on, to be honest. you seem very different from each other."

"what does that mean?" she laughs, and kit shrugs.

"he's just... very opinionated and will speak his mind, and you're very nice and more reserved, i guess."

"i'll take that as a compliment."

"you should! i'm just saying you guys are different, i guess."

"well, i could say the same thing about you and him as well," maylee points out as her and kit find an empty table to sit down at with their coffee. "you're nice. and quiet."

"i feel like we're making joe out to be an asshole, which he isn't," says kit in response. "but fair point. i feel like i typically get on with anyone, really, to be honest."

"do you have anyone you like, really hate?" asks maylee, taking a sip of her coffee.

"an ex, yeah. they were quite shit," kit answers. "but other than that, no, not really. what about you?"

"oh, well, i don't have a great relationship with my parents."

"oh, shit, really?"

"yeah, i'm not going to get really into it right now, but i don't talk to them anymore more, so i guess you could say there's a hatred there."

"wow. um, sorry, i didn't mean to bring that up."

"no, it's fine!" maylee reassures kit. "it's totally fine. it's not something i struggle with talking about. i just don't want to give you my entire sob story right now."

"well then, on another much longer are you staying in london for?" kit asks.

"this trip was just for a month, so i'm here for two more weeks before i have to go back to new york," maylee explains. "i kind of wish i lived here with how often i come."

"i mean, you could always get a place here, no?"

"yeah, that's true, but expensive."

"i'm sure you could afford it," he chuckles. "but i assume you stay with joe when you're here then?"

"yeah, he always lets me crash at his apartment which is sweet. i just feel bad staying all the time, but i guess it's the same 'cause he always stays at mine when he's in new york or la."

kit's phone starts ringing, and he quickly looks at it before sighing and tucking it back into his pocket.

"everything alright?" maylee asks him, and he nods.

"yeah, just tara being a little bit much right now. she keeps asking me where i am and with who and all that shit."

"does she not trust you or something?"

"i'm not sure anymore," kit mutters.

so american, kit connorWhere stories live. Discover now