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real life ;

"isn't the point of going out to get drinks there?" kit asks maylee as she's pouring a shot for them to take in her kitchen.

"i mean, yeah, but it's cheaper to get drunk first so that you only need to buy like, one drink at the club," maylee explains, and kit laughs.

"am i going to have to make sure you don't drink yourself silly before we even get there?"

"hey, i can handle my alcohol well, thank you very much. now drink the incredible shot i just made you."

"it's just vodka... you didn't make anything."

"just drink it," maylee groans, pushing kit towards the counter to grab his glass. "cheers!" they down their shots together and set their glasses back on the table.

"have you got any beers?" he asks her, and she nods.

"yeah, it's all in the fridge. feel free to drink whatever, i only got some because i know you like beer."

maylee and kit ended up drinking a lot more than they thought they would and decided it was best to just stay at her apartment for the night instead of head to the club. they agreed that it would be too risky to go out this drunk and have people potentially take photos and videos of them. now, they were sat on the floor of the living room leaning against maylee's couch, definitely way too close to each other for friends. one of kit's hands was resting against maylee's thigh, and the other was holding a bottle of tito's that the two were slowly finishing off.

"shall we move to the balcony?" he asks her, and maylee laughs.

"you only want to do that so you can smoke."

"not true!"

"you're telling me you're not going to smoke if we go out there?"

"well, i didn't say that. it's just one of the benefits of going out there, may." she watches kit try and stand up from the ground, but he stumbles over his own feet and she has to grab his arm to make sure he doesn't fall.

"you can't even walk!" she giggles, pulling him back down to the ground with her. "we can open my windowsill and sit by it so you can still smoke without the risk of us falling off the balcony."

"fine," he mutters, and maylee holds onto his arm as they make their way to her windowsill together. while kit takes a seat and messes around with his lighter, it takes maylee a moment to open the window due to her vision being slightly spinny, but she managed to do it and sits beside kit, crossing her legs.

"so," she starts. "you're cute."

"what?" he laughs. "where is that coming from?"

"i just told you that you're cute and that's your reply?" maylee exclaims.

"i'm sorry, it caught me off guard," kit says. "come closer."

"if you burn me with that cigarette, i swear—" before maylee can continue, one of kit's arms pulls her closer to him so that she's sitting in between his legs. she blushes, instantly looking away so that kit couldn't tell.

"that's better," he says. "i really want to kiss you right now, may." she feels her heart beat faster at his confession, and looks back at him.

"so do it," she replies, still holding her gaze on him. she knew it was a bad idea, considering he still hadn't officially broke things off with tara, but she also found herself not caring. sure, the alcohol helped, but tara wasn't a good person to kit. she'd been treating him like garbage for a while now, so maylee was finding it hard to hold any sympathy towards the girl about this situation.

"i really shouldn't," kit finally says, stubbing his cigarette outside the window. "i'm still with tara."

"are you, though?"

"you know how it is," he mutters, but when he looks back towards maylee, he brings his hand up to cup her jaw and leans in. maylee's eyes shut as kit's lips brush against hers, and she gets lost in the kiss for a moment before gently pushing him back.

"bad idea," she says.

"i know."

"so obviously you know how i feel about you, but like... we need to just stick with being friends," says maylee. "at least, until you figure your things out with tara."

"yeah, yeah," kit agrees. "you're right."

so american, kit connorWhere stories live. Discover now