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Ohhh Calum you so fine, you so fine you blow my mind, hey Calum 

lol I think I'm funny

Just laugh pls


I got to the hospital and found out which room Calum was in. I went into his room and sat on the chair until the doctor came into the room.  

"I'm glad you brought Calum in. He ended up having a minor concussion, but also had to get stitches on his leg. He won't be able to walk on it for awhile, so we will give him crutches. But very nice work stopping the bleeding." The doctor told me before checking on Calum and walking out of the room. I didn't know what to do with myself. The hospital is so boring.

I walked around outside until I came across a vending machine and got a couple of things to bring back to the room. They said Calum would have to stay here until tomorrow night so they could look at his stitches one last time. So I figured I'd just stay here since I'm technically the reason he was here in the first place. 

I went back up to the room and sat back in the chair. I got out a blanket from the storage bin by the bed and ended up falling asleep. 

I was awoken by the nurse in his room making more noise then necessary. Did she not see I was trying to sleep? Rude. I opened my eyes to realize Calum was awake and staring at me. 

"Why the hell did you call 911?" 

"Well, good morning to you too." I said slightly annoyed. "Due to the fact that you passed out and I had to tie a shirt around your leg to stop the bleeding I figured the smartest thing to do was to call 911. So a little thank you would be nice." 

"Oh. Well, thanks I guess." He said sounding defeated. 

"Yeah thats what I thought. You're welcome, and I got some snacks and stuff from the vending machine last night so if you want anything just feel free to help yourself." I said while walking into the bathroom. I had to look kinda presentable. I'm just glad I keep a change of clothes in my car. I mean you never know whats going to happen. I also had all my makeup in my car, I tend to always be prepared. 

I walked out of the bathroom looking completely different then when I walked in. Calum looked almost surprised. 

 "It's surprising how much a little makeup can do." I said while laughing and putting my bag in the corner of the room. "Oh by the way they said you could leave tonight. So when you fill out your paperwork I'll drive you home." I said while sitting back down and going on tumblr.

"You really don't have to do that." Calum said trying to stand up. I immediately ran to him and pushed him back in his bed.

"You aren't supposed to be standing on your leg. Anyway this is technically all my fault because I'm such a baby and ran away, so for that I'm taking you home." I said putting the sheets back over him. 

"You don't have to help me do everything you know?" Calum said.

"Oh I am so sorry for trying to be nice and help you out." I said while grabbing my purse and walking out the door, making sure to slam it. 

 I walked outside and went to the Starbucks across the street from the hospital. I walked in and saw a familiar face and ran as fast as I could to him.

"Ashton!" I said while jumping into his arms.

"Oh my God Gabby!!" He said while hugging me back. "Its been so long, I miss you!"

"I know! What are you doing here?" I said. I've known Ashton basically my whole life. He's one of my dad's best friends son, and he would always come over for dinner and we would sneak out back and go lay in my tree house just to talk. He was older then me by two years so I always thought of him as the older brother that I never had. We went through this phase where we would call each other on FaceTime and talk for awhile and then fall asleep with it still on and resume our conversation in the morning when we woke up. Our call would last days, until someone would accidentally hang up.

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