Chapter 1

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Riley and Maya on the subway, Riley's POV:
"Ok, so Lucas and I kissed. Its not a big deal Maya" I say annoyed at Maya. "Of course it is, nothing's happen since you guys kissed, the world stopped because you guys aren't doing anything about it" Maya said. I think she's exaggerating. A lot has happened since we (Lucas and me) kissed. Like the Demolition incident. Speaking of, I see Aubrey with an African girl that looks a bit younger than me. I walk toward her. "Hey Aubrey!" I say tapping her shoulder. She turns but had a confused look on her face. "I'm sorry, I'm not Aubrey. My name is Jessie, Jessie Prescott. Who are you?" Jessie said. "I'm Riley, I'm sorry but I'm not aloud to talk to strangers with out seeing three forms of identification" I said
She took out two things. "Well here's my license, library card and one of my kids. I'm her nanny" she said. "Hi, my name is Zuri Ross" she said. She was waiting for something, my reaction. "Ok, I'm Riley Mathews and this is my best friend Maya Hart" I say. Jessie and Zuri looked a bit shocked. "Um, where are you guys going" she says. "Oh we're going to John Adam Quincy Middle School" Maya said. She seemed to know something I didn't but was cool about it. Why can't I be as cool as her?! "Really? I'm going there next year" Zuri said. "Oh you're going to LOVE it, and hopefully my dad will only be teaching 8th grade until I'm done with school so you're gonna love him too" I say. "What subject does he teach?" Jessie asks. I look at Maya, she looks back at me. "I think he teaches......History?" Maya said uncertainly. "Well he's supposed to anyway" I joke. "Do you guys want to exchange numbers?" Zuri asks. "Sure". She hands me her phone and I hand her mine and Maya's. I type Maya and my phone number in it and she puts hers into ours. "This is our stop. It was nice meeting you guys. Sorry about the mix up" I say as me and Maya get pulled out of the subway. Maya lets loose when the subway moves again. "WE MET A ROSS! WE MET A ROSS! EEEEEEEEP!" She yells at the top of her lungs. "MAYA! CALM DOWN!" I yell ironically. She did but she was jumping a little. "What's so special about being a Ross?" I say. "Oh Riley, you have no idea what just happened to us. Ross with a nanny. That means she is a rich Ross. And one of the most famous rich married couples with the last name Ross are Christina Ross and Morgan Ross" she explains to me. "Wait.. Christina Ross the fashion designer?! And Morgan Ross as in movie director?!" I say now jumping in joy myself. "YES" Maya yells again. We do a happy dance for like 2 minutes then realize we were going to be late to school. (A/N if you saw Gravity then you know what happens during school).

Zuri and Jessie at the pent house. Zuri POV:
I can't believe I made a friend that didn't know I was famous. YAY! Ravi will be soooooooo jealous. "Ok, great things that happened today. 1. School was cut short because it was the first day. 2. I made a little green selling some of my home made bracelets. 3. Last but the best, I made friends on the subway who DIDNT know who I am" I say then sit down on the couch. Ravi, Luke and Emma circled me. "Really?!" they all said. "Yep, they are 13 years old. Their names are Riley Mathews and Maya Hart" I say. They all started asking me questions. I start texting on my phone.
Me: Hey Riley? Do u want 2 come over L8er, my pent- i mean apartment is (A/N I don't know their address)
Riley: Sure, can a couple of my friends come with me
Me: sure, see u L8er
"Ok, if you guys want to meet them, they are coming over later" I say. We all go to our rooms to get ready for them. I wonder who the other friends are?

So, hi, my updates will be weekly, every week at least once I will give you an update. The funeral isn't happening, I loved that woman too much, she is going to be in the hospital for awhile though. Don't comment update unless I haven't done it in a week. Bye bye birdies!

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