Chapter 7

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Mr. Mathews Classroom
Maya's POV
"Love. Do we know what it is?" Mr. Mathews says. "It's a feeling" I say. "Need a little more detail Ms. Hart. Riley?" Mr. Mathews says. "Love is never stop thinking about a certain someone. Love is that you wish you were with them 24/7. It could be in any form" Riley answers. "Such as?" Mr. Mathews asks. "Romance" she says looking at Lucas. "Friendship" she says looking at me. "And Family" she says looking at Mr. Mathews. He smiles. "Maya, do you love anyone?" Mr. Mathews asks. "You guys and my mom" I answer. "Any boy on your mind?" Mr. Mathews asks me.
"That I love? No way" I say.
"How about like?" he says then someone knocks on the door. Mr. Mathews opens it to find a Luke. "Ross?" Mr. Mathews confusingly asks. "I have a note for Maya. May I give it to her?" Luke says. I'm trying so hard not to blush. "Sure thing" Mr. Mathews says, gesturing to me. Luke comes over and hands me a piece of paper then winks at me. "Oh, I'll need it back tomorrow. I'll come by" he says then leaves with girls sighing, except Riley and I obviously. I almost open the note when Riley says "Don't open it! This is Bay Window material. Bay Window. Bay Window in 8 hours". I just look at the board. "Like and Love are in the similar category. Does that make them the same?" Mr. Mathews says then picks on Farkle. "No, Like in the romance sense is just a fuzzy feeling you have toward someone. Love is more powerful. For example, I love Riley and Maya. But I like Smackle" "As always, you are correct Farkle" Mr. Mathews says.
Bay Window
We're just looking at the note sitting between us. "Open it" Riley says. "But what if it's nothing important?" I ask. "It's okay to get your hopes up" Riley says. "Not when your hopes always get crushed" I point out. "Things have been going well for you, maybe this will too" Riley says. I sigh. No reason to argue with her. I take the note and open it. I read it out loud. "Maya Penelope (learned middle name from Farkle) Hart. I have two tickets to the Yankee game. Come with me and we shall consider it as our first date. BTW, Ravi helped me write this" I quote. Riley holds the yay in. "Let it Out" I say. She lets out the biggest YAY in America. I laugh and start smiling all goofy. "So you saying yes?" Riley asks me. "I meed to sleep on it" I say then quickly leave her window and go home. I dream about the date and at the game we end up on the kissing screen and end up kissing. Then I wake up and realize it's the day of the choice.
My Happiness or My Brick Wall.
Tough Choice.
Later in Mr. Mathews's class, Luke knocks on the door. "So, can I have my note back?" he asks. I check the box and give it to him. He starts grinning like crazy and skips out. "So I take it you said yes?" Riley says. I just smile.

A/N: So I realized I never gave you Luke/Maya fans a chapter on then getting together so I gave you chapter. Please share this book to your fellow watpadians because I'm trying to make my books eligible for 2016 Wattys. Thank you, I AM AZIZATHEWITCH!
*drops mic*
Completed 6:08 a.m.
December 21, 2015

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