Chapter 4

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At the spa:
Riley's POV:
"Heheheheheheheehe" I say as the nice woman finished up my seaweed wrap. "You ok Riles?" Maya asks, hovering above me. "I'm getting hugged by fish food!" I say excitedly. After five minutes the hug seems more like a strangle. "I CANT BREATHE GET ME OUT OF THIS THING!" I yell. They cut the seaweed quickly and I go to the bathroom and take off the towel and put on my new pink dress. Emma made it for me. She said that she had gotten inspiration for me and I am not complaining, it's so preeetttttyyyy! Maya was finishing up her Mani pedis. Skull over a heart on every single nail bed. Oh with black background. Oh peaches. When we went upstairs we saw something unbelievable. "AUGGIE! What are you doing here?! There's a huge storm out there" I yell and throw myself at him. He starts "It paused so I thought it was over and wanted to come and bring you home. I brought mom, dad and-" but then gets interrupted by "A-VA MOR-GEN-STEEERRRRRNNNNN, Matthews!" she screams. "This time I can't throw her out" mom says coming out of the kitchen with dad and Jessie. "So we're all stuck here?" Dad says. "Way to go Captain Obvious" Maya says sarcastically. "Well I could think of worse places to end up" dad adds, ignoring the comment. "Mom, you'll LOVE the spa! Don't get a seaweed wrap though, it starts off with a hug then give minutes later, bang! It starts to strangle you like your part of a meal" I tell her. "Ok, thanks honey" she says with an amused smile. "Did you guys bring any clothes in case this happened?" Maya asks. "A woman never comes unprepared" mom says. She takes out her suit case and takes out 12 pieces of clothing. "Ok, 4 clothes for each of us, by the time we finish the storm should be cleared" she says matter of factly. Ravi comes through the elevator with the other guys. His eyes go wide and his jaw is dropped, then he runs away to his room. He's smart like Farkle but lacks the confidence we all admire. Luke sees me and shoots a smile and wink at me. Lucas and Farkle come up to me, lift me and we go to the kitchen. "What's up?" I ask as I'm sitting on the counter. "Don't fall for Luke, he's trying to make Maya jealous by flirting with you" Farkle says. "Duh, we all can see that" I say. "So the tricks didn't work for you?" Lucas asks wearing the look a boy does when he gets a surprise party. I shake my head and hold my hand out and ask
"Now may I please go and ask a friend what the matter?". Farkle takes my hand helps me down. "Farkle, don't stop loving Maya, if she starts dating Luke" I whisper to him. "I want you both to be happy, with or without me" he whispers back. I kiss him on the cheek and he fainted into Lucas's arms. "He was being sweet so I gave him a cheek kiss" I say to Lucas in an innocent way. "I know" he replies. When I reach the door he says "You look cute by the way". I grin then leave. I walk slowly to Ravi's room. "-in my dream Emma!" I hear him tell her angrily. "Oh, so THATS where I got the inspiration. Your dream with the kiss with Riley and that Bruno Mars song" she says. I stop dead cold. He dreamed about kissing me? "Just the way you are" he sighs. Awwwwwwwww! That's so sweet! "Ok, well I promise not to steal dress ideas from your dreams again. And, I'll help you make Raviley" she says then I guess hugs him. The door handle shakes. I panic and put my hands over my face. Emma gets out and walks right pass me. Either I have big hands, or she's dumber than she looks. I look at my man hands. Could be either way. I wait a couple seconds then knock on his door.
"Who is it?"
After a couple of minute he opens his door. For some weird reason he's wearing a tuxedo. He looks, dare I say, hot. "Hey Riles" he says nervously and holds the door for me. "I was dress rehearsing my Reptile Club speech" he explains. Oh ok, now this is weird for different reasons. I nod and sit on his bed. I've never been in his room before, only Zuri and Emma's. It's not at all what I thought it would be like. His lizard cage is so retro. He has video games, like he was a regular boy that wasn't smart. "You try to live normally?" I ask him. He shrugs. "I may have a lizard and from India but on the inside I'm just like Lucas. Except, I play basketball" he adds. My jaw drops. "I love basketball!" (A/N in GM New World, the speech about the Nicks, she says that to Ravi). "Yeah I don't know that much about basketball" she says after Ravi's moment of shock. "I really like you Riley" Ravi says. I'm getting major dejavu. "I know, I heard you and Emma before" I blab. He blushes beet red. He's so sweet and sensitive and caring. He's smart and even plays basketball. Lucas was worried about me falling for Luke, but that's not who he needed to be afraid of. But Lucas is sweet, strong and caring. He changed because of me. But what if I don't like him like I thought I did. What if I only liked him as my brother. What if that was why it was so awkward after we kissed the first time, because it wasn't real. Because this feeling I have with Ravi, it's something I never felt before. My heart is beating so fast it's going to burst out of my chest. My stomach is twisting and turning. My head is killing me with all the thoughts in my head. "Oh Ravi! Your are more smart, sweet, honest and cuter than Lucas, Luke and Farkle combined" I say. He looked stunned puts his arms around my waist, I put my arms around his neck. I kiss his cheek and whisper in his ear "I like you too" then I get up and exit. I can hear him do his victory dance. I have to find Maya. The Bay window maybe at home, but I believe Jessie has a window in her room.
Ok, woah. I didn't even know what my fingers were typing until it happened. OOH! I JUST HAD A FANTABULOUS IDEA THAT YOU RUCAS FANS WILL LOVE! In three chapters later... I am evil, MWAHAHAHAHAHA! 😈 Bye!

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