Chapter 2

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At the pent house.
No ones POV:
Riley, Maya, Farkle, and Lucas walk into the Penthouse. "Woah" they all said together. "Hey guys, and who are they actual guys" Zuri said. "This is Farkle and this is Lucas, also known as Ranger Rick" Maya said. "Well I'm known as as Ranger Rick only to Maya" Lucas said. "Cool, this is Emma, Ravi and-" Zuri said but got cut off. "Ross, Luke Ross" he said while kissing Riley's hand. Riley blushed and glanced quickly at Lucas. He quickly takes Luke's hand and shakes it and says "Hello Luke" with a fake smile. Riley looks pleased a little. "BTW, I am LOVING your outfit Maya!" Emma said. "Thanks, I just bought it from Demolition" Maya said. "You even let their clothes look good" Emma jokes. "Ravi, is that an Asian water monitor next you? Can I please take a picture of it?!" Farkle asks. "Sure! But be careful, Mrs. Kipling doesn't like strangers" he answers. Farkle takes a quick pic. Everyone gets to know each other a little. They sat down on the couches. Luke somehow ended up sitting next to Riley. Zuri and Maya get to talking. Farkle and Ravi become instant friends and talked about random science stuff. Emma talked a little to every one. Lucas keeps watching Riley and Luke very closely. He gets up, walks next to Riley and pulls her up, then takes her into the screening room. "Do you like Luke?" He asks bluntly. "No" Riley answers quickly. "Ok" Lucas answers with a smile. He mimics Riley's actions on the subway and kisses her. Riley kisses back, puts her arms around Lucas's neck and they start making out. They break off after about a minute. They press their foreheads together. "I don't want to ruin our friendship with a relationship" they both say at the same time. They both smile. "I have no feelings for Luke at all, I hope he likes Maya instead" Riley said. Lucas scratches the back of his neck. "I'm sorry for acting jealous, I don't own you" he says awkwardly, "I know, but, I really like you. So. In a way, you were doing me a favor" Riley says. Lucas pecks Riley's lips. "You're a good kisser you know that?" Lucas asks. " I wouldn't know, I'm not kissing myself lately" Riley jokes. "I recommend you do" Lucas says. After a brief moment of silence, Lucas asks "Can we be two people who really like each other not jumping to the next step but still hanging out and talking and possibly kissing?". Riley pretends to think for a while, "Yes" she finally answers. "Their you guys are, ooh! Good idea! Riley and Lucas wanna watch a movie" Zuri says. Everyone fills up the seats. Riley is on the third seat in the third row. On her right there is Lucas. On her left there is Maya. Next to Maya there is Farkle. Below Riley there is Emma. Below Lucas, there is Luke. Below Maya there is Zuri. Below Farkle there is Ravi (Mrs. Kipling is on his lap). They are watching Teen Beach Movie 2. A storm brewed, and it was dangerous to leave the pent house. Everyone called their family and said that they had to stay over in the Ross's pent house.

HI! I am heeeeerrreeeeee! A storm huh? Maybe it's regular, or very dangerous? Well I get to make the magic happen so I'll decide. Um, I'm not going to be available ALL AUGUST! I'm going on a vacay! I will write when I'm gone but I won't be able to publish until I'm back. Comment, vote, and share! Azizathewitch OUT!

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