Chapter 6

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Riley's POV:
The Subway
We're all on the subway on our way home. I just told Maya about everything that happened while we're standing. "Whoa whoa whoa! You can't unofficially break up with Lucas and expect me, the number one Rucas shipper, to not get upset" Maya says. I scoff. After Farkle and Lucas have a heated discussion on something, Lucas stands on his seat. "All New Yorkers! Please pay attention to me" he shouts. The whole subway looks at him.
"In this seat, last year, a sweet, gorgeous, quirky, perfect girl fell into my lap. She told me her name, I told her my name and she said she loved it. That moment, was one of those moments you know you will remember forever" Lucas said, staring at me.
I smile, recalling the memory.
"After that we only had a text friendship, until our teacher who was also her father, made us go to the library with no electronics. When our eyes met, I knew for sure I liked her. I told her my dreams, my life in Texas. She listened. We connected"
"We danced at my first school dance. We rode a white horse and I called her a princess. I told her that one day we could go to Paris together in French. We were Romeo and Juliet in the school play"
"I asked her father permission to go out with her. When I saw her in the purple sequence dress I love struck. We went on this subway for the date. She said she was glad I was her first date. When she fell on my lap again, we redid the first time we met. She kissed me. We have an epic love story. Do you guys think it's right, for her to think that we only like each other as brother and sister when it's clearly way more?!" Lucas asks. The whole subway scream back "No!". "Princess?" He said to me, sitting down. I look at Maya. "Again?" I ask her. She made me let go of the pole and I fell into his lap. "I don't know what I was thinking Lucas" I say. "Well, maybe because it was too easy to leave me" he said. I furrow my eyes at him. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I know we're too young for a relationship. But, if we just had to wait for that moment for us to come together, I think this is that moment" Lucas says. "Are you saying?" I ask, trailing off. "Riley Mathews? Will you be my girlfriend?" Lucas asks. I look at my father excitedly. He nods his head and says "He makes an airtight case". I smile and answer "Yes!" Then kiss him, while the whole subway cheers. We keep kissing until my dad starts to cough. I roll my eyes then sit in the seat next to Lucas and hold his hand. We are boyfriend and girlfriend now. No peer pressure, both of our free wills allowed this to happen. And I am estatic. I rest my head on his shoulder.
I may be wrong a lot, but I know this is the right decision!

Author here! Hey guys! Um, so I made the awesomeness come sooner since I made you guys wait so long for another update. It's just that I've been getting over Rucas since the producers are making Lucaya happen. I've been getting more into Riarkle, which was my original ship. This is probably going to be the last chapter, unless you guys talk me out of it. But if any Riarkle shippers are out there, I'm definitely going to make a fanfic on them. I still hate Lucaya. I just don't get a fuzzy feeling with them. I get why people would ship them though, it's the cliches that enrich people's hearts. I'm changing Girl Meets Enemies into a Riarkle by the way. Thanks for reading this book though. I checked out what the total votes were, it was around 100! AWESOMENESSSSSSSS! Which was why I was reluctant to stop writing this. Hey, if  anyone here likes Lab Rats, I'm making a fanfic on it that gives Chase a love interest. Anyway, I'm gonna go. Bye.

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