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jungkook was sitting on the edge of his bed, staring at the door with a mix of longing and apprehensive. he replays the events of last night in his mind his guilt weighting heavily on his conscience. He know he messed up, but pride keeps him from reaching out first 

jungkook(to himself) maybe she will come at lunch time like she always do 

but dahyun  did not showed up jungkook  decide walk out to look for her . jungkook enter the dinner area his expression guarded as he faces his group members who are gathered there demeanor cool and distant 

jungkook look at them on waiting for his members to speak up first  .

theres a palpable tension in the are no one responds immediately their silence speaking volume 

RM(flatly) she left

jungkook's eyes narrow slightly a mix of frustration and resignation crossing his features 

jungkook: (coldly) don't care

jin step forward his tone reproachful

jin : you really massed up jungkook . she was trying to help you and you treated her like...

jungkook(cutting him off, defensive) like what? she slapped me and walked put, it's not all on me

jimin shakes his head disappointment evident                                                                                                         jimin(disappointment)  you didn't get it, did you? she slapped you because you scared her can't you see that?    

ungkook: (scoffs) Scared her? How? By telling her the truth?

Jin: (frustrated) No, by losing control! You were out of line, Jungkook. She cares about you, and you just pushed her away.

Jungkook: (crossing his arms, looking away) Whatever. She's just my doctor, not my babysitter. If she can't handle it, that's her problem.

RM: (calmer, trying to mediate) Look, we know you're going through a lot, but Dahyun has been here for you, supporting you as your doctor and your friend. You need to make this right.

Jungkook: (coldly) I don't need to do anything. If she wants to run away, that's on her.

V: (angrily) You're being an idiot, Jungkook! She didn't just leave for no reason. You pushed her to it.

Jungkook: (yelling) Maybe I did! Maybe I don't care!

Suga: (stepping in, his voice firm) Enough! We're all trying to help you, but you keep acting like you're the only one who matters.

Jungkook: (furious) Maybe because I am! You don't get it. None of you do!

Jin: (voice rising) Stop being so selfish, Jungkook! We're your friends, your family. We're trying to help you, but you keep throwing it back in our faces.

The room erupts into a heated argument, voices overlapping in a cacophony of anger and frustration. Jungkook, overwhelmed and infuriated, shoves past his members, storming out of the dining area.

Jungkook: (over his shoulder, bitterly) I'm done with this. With all of you.

He leaves the building, his mind racing, and heads straight to his apartment. Once inside, he slams the door shut, locking it behind him. He collapses onto the floor, the weight of his actions crashing down on him.

Days pass, and Jungkook isolates himself, ignoring calls and messages from his members. The silence in his apartment is deafening, amplifying his inner turmoil. He spends his time replaying the events over and over, the guilt gnawing at him, but his pride preventing him from reaching out.

One evening, as he sits in the dark, there's a knock at his door. He doesn't move, hoping whoever it is will go away. But the knocking continues, persistent and determined.

Voice from the other side: (muffled) Jungkook, it's RM. Please, open the door. We need to talk.

Jungkook remains silent, his heart pounding. The knocking stops, and he hears RM's voice again, softer this time.

RM: (muffled) We're worried about you. Just... let us help.

Jungkook clenches his fists, torn between his pride and the growing loneliness. He doesn't open the door, but RM's words linger in his mind, a small crack in his hardened exterior.

The next day, Jungkook finds a note slipped under his door. It's from Dahyun. 

note from Rm: Jungkook, I know you're hurting. We all do. But shutting us out isn't the answer. We're here for you when you're ready. – Dahyun

Jungkook stares at the note, the words blurring as tears fill his eyes. He knows he can't keep running from his problems, but the path to making things right feels insurmountable. For now, he remains locked in his apartment, grappling with his pride and the growing realization that he needs his friends more than ever.                

hope you like it sorry for late publish, and I did take some help for this chapter

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