7: reveale

14 0 2

{Ayume's POV}

"Fuck, fuck fuck FUCK!"

I looked at Temari ne-san as she swore and swore about what happened earlier.

Takeru is asleep since he is a deep sleeper and....I felt guilty and sad for Tooru. Temari kept spacing back and forth as she panic on what happened.

"If I didn't let Oikawa have fresh air today instead of tomorrow this wouldn't happen!"

Temari kept on worrying on Tooru leaving on the couch listening to her talk and talk.

"But it's not your fault, you didn't know that this would happen....at least you gave him freedom, ne-san"

I said trying to calm her down from her panic. Of course I also worry for ni-san but, ne-san also needs comfort.

"We can wait till tomorrow, we can report this to Shiona-san and see if Tooru can get back to his senses"

I said trying my hardest to keep the family in place, I don't like seeing them like this....even if it's not their fault.

Temari sat down finally calming down, I sat down next to her and started to comfort her. She had a rough time after all, I smiled at her making her smile back to me

"How about let's go get some rest ne-san, it's late"

I said as I stood up waiting for her response, she sighed and also stood up before saying

"Yeah....we really should. Goodnight"

She said as we both walked to our rooms and closed the doors. I closed my door and slid down, I'm useful for them.

I kept on saying it in my head, but always kept a smile thinking 'we are family and I'm the one who made us free' even tho it's not true, I kept on saying it.


"Huh? My phone"

I said to myself seeing a notification, I stood up and started to walk over the text. I saw my aunt texting me, she isn't the greatest aunt but not the worse I think. She is from my mother's side and the youngest among them.

I opened my phone reading the text from her.

Text: aunt Sakura

A. Sakura: Ayume, I have a favor for you

A.Oikawa: what is it aunty, if it's another thing about it I won't do it

A.Sakura:it's not about it. It's about you cousin, he cut contacts with us and I heard that he lives around there, and we want to know if he is there at Temari's

A.Oikawa: he isn't here, if he wants to stay here he would've called. But why do you want to know?

A.sakura: I heard that he is a pro athlete and we need a apartment that's all.

A.Oikawa: then finding him yourself, we don't want any of your business

A.sakura:fine, take care

End of text

I let go of my phone and sighed, thinking 'its there fault that he hated them' I thought to myself and got to bed, I wish that he is ok he did had a hard time with his parents....just like us

"Maybe I can visit him soon"

I said to myself before drifting to sleep and slept till sunrise


It was early morning, the only time I can keep my facade down. Well, since Takeru left early in the the morning for collage, I didn't really know what to do.

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