11: begins

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{Oikawa's POV}

Writing and writing really makes your wrist hurt like really bad, no offense writers.

Spinning my pen, I thought about someone, my first love. Look I know it sounds cheesy but get on with it.

I lean on my sit as I sigh at the thought about him, Iwaizumi Hajime. I just looked at my pen and my newly forge letter for him.

"Wen will he respond to my letters..."

I said with sorrow and confusion, I was soppose to be dead or so but I requested them to send letters to someone to which they agreed and all but something is not right.

I thought of possiblity's on how I can give it to him personally to see if my hypothesis is true, but nooo I have to stay inside all day only going out once a week.

I stood up, after the event that happened where I saw iwa and his....date, I slowly stopped writing letters. I thought about something, Temari said we had a guest and who might be the guest ,it's Akio.

"Wait- Akio?"

I widened my eyes realizing that Iwa-chan and Akio are coach and player on the same team. I smiled at the thought of that, I can ask Akio to sent iwa-chan my letters. If he comes today.

"Tooru! Come down will you"

I heard Temari yell my name, confused why she called me I still dragged my feet down to see why she is calling me. Going down ye stairs I started to feel tensing up, I mean I never really leave the house giving me a not to much freedom but, if Temari called me down it would always be dinner or the two( Shiona and Adams).

"Wait ne-san, I'll be down"

I said as I heard her calling me again, jeez how crazy are my family members.


I said as I desented the stairs not bathing an eye at the obvious people at the couch.

Before opening my eyes I saw a certain brunette from our mothers side making my jaw drop.

"Hello cuz"

"Wait- I thought no one knows? How does Akio know?"

I asked Temari seeing her looking at her phone while Ayume is making tea for my guess for us.

" He figured it out so he will be helping us with this, either you liked it or not"

I dramatically hold my heart and whined at her by how she didn't inform me earlier.

"I do have something to tell you if you all are interested"

I heard Akio muttered making me stare at him. Looking at him I noticed he changed his looks, he looked more depressed, tired and hurt.

I sighed and sat down near him before asking him about what he wanted to tell me.

"I felt a presence following me, but as I kept on walking the presence started to shift to someone new like it's trying to get me to have my guard down"

"If I remember correctly, Goro is like that but.... I don't know if it's really Goro I'm just saying if it's more than one we have the same situation wen I was at my third year. Goro was not allowed inside the school but I don't know where he got the photos from"

I explained it to Akio seeing him nod as his answer making me smile at him and smirked as I realized something.

" I heard you become a setter! You really are following my footsteps, if I'm correct your little crush~ is also at the team?"

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