12: sunshine

22 0 8

Play the song for experience

{??? POV}

Walking and humming a song called my little sunshine, I turned a corner and saw my one and only daughter. I smirked knowing damn well her information is correct I started to approached her.

" Bye?"

I heard her say as she hang up the phone not noticing my figure, she hold her phone confused on the call.

I smiled menacingly but you can't see it from the darkness, I walked by her as she started to walk away. She didn't mind my presence as people started to walk the same path as us. She didn't even look up on who is at her side, just texting and texting untill she let it go and put it in her bag, that's when she noticed me.

But before she screamed I covered her mouth and led her to the upcoming alley skillfully, she held my arm around her as she tried to get it away, but not today. She is a traitor and can give me away.

I led us more deep inside the allay where no one can hear us as she kept on crying as her voice was muffled by my hand on her mouth.

I took out something out my pocket and placed it at her neck, as she noticed my knife her eyes widened and was crying more. I held her jaw roughly and placed the knife there as she started to scream and sob.

"No....no! I thought you were in jail!!!"

She screamed and screamed at me as I smiled, I like hearing others suffer as long as they look like them.

" I should've checked if you were really dead. Who knew you would snitch on your father, Naomi"

Naomi, my daughter started to beg and beg for me to unhand her but I wouldn't budge as she struggles to get out of my grip.

" It wasn't my fault! You murder people and even tried doing stuff to me! You're the worse dad I had!"

I stayed still hearing her words
"I looked up on you! I-i-i I loved you! I wanted to be just like you, but after finding out what you did I was disgusted! I just turned 13 before! You took that to your advantage.
You killed mom! You killed a lot of women and men! Children!......I...I hate you!"

"I did everything so you wouldn't be tainted like me.....but...just like what you always say.."

I said as I pressed the knife on her neck as she kept on crying crocodile tears


I said slowly as I continue to press the knife at her neck as blood started to flow out of it, making her shaken by what is going to happen.




I said as I slid the knife across her neck, felling the blood flowing out dripping at the cold floor and as she stopped moving as tears are the only thing left behind. I let her go as I heard a thud as she fell to the ground hard.

I glanced at the knife and then to the lifeless body of my daughter, seeing as a puddle of blood started to form and the tears started to leave trails and the limp less body on the ground I just couldn't stop smiling.

I was on one knee as I caressed her cheeks following the trails of the tears and the skin that started to lose its color and heat, I couldn't stop myself from kissing her now cold lip before leaving the scene as I heard footsteps coming closer but just one.

" Goodbye, Naomi, my sweet little sunshine"


I went back to the streets as I heard the ear piercing scream, agony. I smiled and walked away humming a tune...the same tune I hummed earlier. Placing a record of you are my sunshine song before, I left.

Go to the beat.....

You are my sunshine

My only sunshine

You make me happy~

When sky's are gray..

You'll never know, dear

How much I love you

So don't take my sunshine...



I headed back to the house I took over and started to went through my photos with my daughter, Naomi.

Yes, I am Goro Minomoto.

Looking at my sunshines face I smiled knowing she is at good hands, my hands.

I looked through the photos and saw a photo of me, her and her mother, Mari Saketeki. My first and last wife.

"They are my sunshine, my only sunshines, they make me happy that gray day.....I liked to feel their, blood at my fingers....I wish you all, feel, the same"(this with the you are my sunshine melody)

"Hey Goro, still, thank you for helping us escape"

"It's alright, Mrs Oikawa"




That same night

At the Oikawa household, Tooru was scrolling through his phone and saw a lullaby. Smiling he pressed the video and started to hum with it.

The others in the house, Shiona, Adam, Ayume and Temari. The two arrived after Akio left, in which to Temari's dismey asked them to stay at dinner. After dinner, they all started to chat, while Tooru was at his phone.

"Why'd you play my little sunshine lullaby?"

"I just want to hear the song to this peacful night, I mean. What could've gone wrong?"

Toru said as he turned on the TV, the tv was on the news channel even tho the little sunshine song was in the air, they can still hear the news reporter about the weather for tomorrow.

Shiona was listening intensely at the TV ignoring the song that is being played. Temari was doing the dishes while Adam was at the phone and Ayume looking at the notebook he has for tomorrows schedule.

The weather reporter was saying it will be cloudy tomorrow of expecting gray sky's and that's all for the night news for tomorrow's weather.

But a sudden news report got all their attention, ignoring the song being played they all watched the report with wide eyes.


Breaking news, a girl was found dead at an alleyway at **** **** *** today 1 to 2 hour ago, by Mr **** ****. By his witness, he said he heard a song being played by the body when he approached it.
Police discovered a single footprint on the blood but they couldn't get the man's identify.

Authorities recognized her as Naomi Minomoto, and was believed to be killed by her Father Goro Minomoto.
It was truthfully figured out, because of her ID in her bag, with other belongings.

We are still finding Goro Minomoto till this day, rest assure.


All of their jaws dropped, literally. They all stared at the tv and then the phone that played the music with wide and shock, sad and guilty eyes.

Tooru was offended by the music, before looking back at the phone he was holding

"Is it just a coincidence"

All of them nodded their heads before calming down abit. The song literally ruined them.

"My childhood..." Adam said calmly


Author's note: sorry not sorry

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