8: the truth? or the lie

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As noon started to begin, so does workers. But, a particular volleyball was roaming around the city floors.

And the volleyball player is the one and only, Akio Ichiro. He is walking endlessly at the city, since today is a busy day alot of citizens are walking to their destination.

But Akio Ichiro felt something wrong today, and suddenly he received a notification. Taking his phone and reading the notification he noticed two things.

1. Goro Minomoto escaped.

2. He is the one that killed his cousin.

It had been hours before it came out of the public but he didn't really read it till now. Ichiro found it strange that they didn't conduct a funeral for him.

And that any trails about the murder seemed staged for Ichiro, but he didn't jump to conclusions just yet.

After walking and walking he stumbled across a cafe. Thinking that he needs something to drink or eat, he went inside it.

Entering the cafe, he found himself a seat by the window. Seeming bored he started to order.

"Hello, what can I get you?"

Ichiro looked up and noticed a waiter, he had hazel eyes but black hair, he also had glasses but he looks hot for a reason.

"Can I get a simple coffee and a piece of matcha cake"

"Anything else?"

"That's all"

Ichiro said as he looked at his phone seeing the waiter going to make his order. The waiter started to make his way to the counter and started doing the coffee, he started the coffee maker and put the powdered coffee beans inside it.

As the waiter was doing the coffee he looked over Ichiro seeing him attached to his phone texting someone. The waiter finally brewed the coffee and pur it to a cup that looks white, before giving him the coffee he added abit of something sweet in it to balance it's bitterness.

As the waiter took a piece of cake, he added a coating for it making it look presentable. Putting it back to his pocket, he took the tray and started heading to Ichiro.

Heading over he walked behind him. Looking at his phone as he approached him 'hm?' the waiter though as he was Infront of the table.

"Here is your order, anything else?"

Placing the newly brewed coffee and perfectly cutted cake, Ichiro looked up at the waiter.

"Yes that's all,thank you"

Ichiro said as he took his order and started drinking the coffee, tasting it, it tasted bitter but has a different taste.

"Um, if you don't mind me asking but... Are you perhaps Ichiro Akio? The volleyball player?"

The waiter asked Ichiro with a smile which Ichiro looked at him with shock.

" How did you know?.."

" I saw you at the tv everytime your team started to play, and I wonder. You look exactly like Tooru Oikawa, you see he was my fun ever since he started to get famous"

The waiter exclaimed making Ichiro shift at his seat. He tried to find any other kind of emotion in his expression but found nothing.

"Are you, related?"

"Um, kind off, I guess"

Ichiro muttered as the waiter stared at him, Ichiro stayed quiet as the waiter looked confuse and started to talk again.

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