3:meet again? part 2

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{Iwaizumi's POV}

"Hm? Is something wrong iwa?"

Ayume asked me as she tilted her head confused by why I'm doing a face looking at something at our side

Ayume asked me as she tilted her head confused by why I'm doing a face looking at something at our side

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"Those little fucks"

I said with anger and annoyance.

Apparently..... APPARENTLY I saw the WHOLE volleyball team two tables away stalking me and Ayume on our lunch time.

Ayume looked at were my gaze is attached on as she also saw the whole team watching us eat ours meals and talk with each other.


" Shit they saw us guys"

A team member named Tachibana whisper yelled to the others making them realized they were caught

But Haruma is just drinking water not giving them fucks on why they did this making the team hurry on being normal so they won't be suspicious

" Excuse me"

Iwaizumi announced as he stood up and started to walk somewhere. Ayume was confused why Iwaizumi stood up and started to walk to another table

She saw Iwaizumi approached the table with menacing aura making Ayume realize something but wants entertainment

Iwaizumi slammed his fist on the table making the team flinch expect Haruma since he was dragged by them

" Care to explain?"

The tone Iwaizumi used on the question made the team sink on their seats

They knew it. They fucked up

" Iwaizumi-san! Hi.. I never knew you would have lunch here!"

" Don't with your hi's Tsukasa I know you are the one who planned this"

Tsukasa froze as he was caught as the planner of the stalking or so

The team facepalmed at tsukasa's 'wonderful' excuse.

"I expect better in all of you, minus Haruma and Akio since I know them"

"Thanks coach!"

Haruma said as he put on a smile at Iwaizumi making the whole team glare at them.

"What? It's not our fault ya'll are dickheads"

Akio said as Haruma rolled his eyes making the team sigh and Koi just giggled at his antics making him blush and look away

"Since ya'll want to stalk us you should have a lot of energy later. Training will be earlier than expected"

Iwaizumi said with a dark look making the team shrink on their seats. Ayume approached the table seeing Iwaizumi going hard on them

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