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The police took Goro off as Iwaizumi looked at the man with dreadful eyes

" Why..." Was his only question, why did it happen so sudden. The rest of the third years arrived as the other team members also arrived

" Is he.....the murderer?" Makki asked in disbelief, the man that killed Oikawa right there Infront of citizens eyes is taken away

The rest of the team that arrived still didn't process the event that happened. They lost their captain their friend

They were lost in thought as they didn't hear footsteps coming closer and stopped

Yahaba was the first one that noticed it and saw Ayume there looking at the same spot the police car used to stay

"Ayume?" Yahaba asked catching the teams attention, they looked at Ayume as she kept on staring at one spot

"Surprise" She said making the rest look at her with realization and sorrow, 'no it can't be'.

" You knew..." Iwaizumi said with disbelieve, Oikawa's sister knows about the murder

" I told you, it's a secret until unfolds" Ayume said with a smile but the smile was looks like a sad smile but with a hint of knowingness

" It's not the end, because it's not that way, I'm full of lies but the secret will always be on the side, I know all but can't tell, since I'm the one who made it all hell." Ayume smiled at them before heading off to the school,again.

Iwaizumi was still in shock but followed suite


It was the next day.... Iwaizumi went to the Oikawa household but, it's all.....

It's empty, the house looked to be left behind with only one letter seating at the desk.

He read it and cried

' dear iwa-chan

I know what happened looked painful to your eyes but I want to apologize....since I can't really tell it, I love you, even if we far away but will be close on the following days. I cherish your heart so cherish mine
I'll always watch your matches if you reach your dreams...don't worry I'll be there

-Oikawa tooru'

It like this and Iwaizumi left for collage

But after some years

"It's been 9 years later.....I hope your watching, shittykawa"

But on that match..

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