which was the son of Adam .....

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Lineage of Adam from Genesis Chapter 5

1. **Adam**
- Son of God (Luke 3:38)
- Created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27)
- Lived 930 years (Genesis 5:5)

2. **Seth**
- Born after the murder of Abel (Genesis 4:25)
- "Appointed" by God (Genesis 4:25)
- Lived 912 years (Genesis 5:8)

3. **Enosh**
- Son of Seth (Genesis 5:6)
- Lived 905 years (Genesis 5:11)

4. **Kenan**
- Son of Enosh (Genesis 5:9)
- Lived 910 years (Genesis 5:14)

5. **Mahalalel**
- Son of Kenan (Genesis 5:12)
- Lived 895 years (Genesis 5:17)

6. **Jared**
- Son of Mahalalel (Genesis 5:15)
- Lived 962 years (Genesis 5:20)
- The longest-lived person in the Bible

7. **Enoch**
- Son of Jared (Genesis 5:18)
- "Walked with God" and was taken to heaven (Genesis 5:24)
- Lived 365 years (Genesis 5:23)

8. **Methuselah**
- Son of Enoch (Genesis 5:21)
- Lived 969 years (Genesis 5:27)
- The oldest person ever recorded in the Bible

9. **Lamech**
- Son of Methuselah (Genesis 5:25)
- Lived 777 years (Genesis 5:31)

10. **Noah**
- Son of Lamech (Genesis 5:29)
- Built the ark and saved his family from the flood (Genesis 6-8)
- Lived 950 years (Genesis 9:29)

This lineage represents only one line of descent from Adam. Other descendants of Adam are mentioned in Genesis 5, but their full lineage is not provided.

## Additional Information

- The ages listed in Genesis 5 are often interpreted as literal years, but some scholars believe they may be symbolic or represent generations.

- The lineage of Adam is significant because it connects humanity to God and provides a historical framework for understanding the Bible.

- The story of Adam and his descendants also teaches important lessons about sin, judgment, and redemption.


In Genesis chapter five we find
The lineage of Adam's kind 🌿
From Adam to Noah, the names unwind
Each life is a thread in the tapestry of time 🕰️

Adam lived nine hundred and thirty years
Before he passed, shedding tears 😢
His son Seth carried on the line
Living nine hundred and twelve, oh so fine 🌟

Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, and Jared
Each one's life story is carefully shared 📖
Methuselah, the oldest of them all
Lived nine hundred and sixty-nine, standing tall 🌳

Lamech, Noah's father, lived seven hundred and seventy-seven
Each number is a piece of heaven 🌌
Noah, the chosen one, walked with God
His faithfulness shining bright, like a diamond in the sod 💎

In Genesis chapter five we see
The legacy of faith and family 🌈
Each name is a reminder of the past
A reminder that our lives won't last 🌺

So let us cherish each moment we're given
And live our lives with purpose-driven 🌟
For, in the end, it's not the years we count
But the love we share truly amounts 💕

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