Hearts Entwined & A Persistent Pursuit💓💓💓

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"Everything is alright, your healthy lifestyle is helping you a lot," the doctor said as he completed Fourth's monthly examination. "You can go," he added warmly to Fourth.

"P' New, I'm going to the washroom, wait," Fourth said and left..

"Khun New, I need to talk to you about Fourth's health,"Alex Thompson ,the Irish doctor, who had been in charge of Fourth's treatment since his birth, said to New.

"He's taking his medication and following the diet plan as we suggested, but that's only a temporary solution. We recommend heart surgery for a permanent solution."

""What's the success rate?" New asked."It depends on the patient's condition. Fourth is one of the most critical heart patients I've ever handled. There's a 60% success rate in his case. I've managed three patients with the exact same condition; two had successful surgeries and are living healthy lives, but one, unfortunately, did not survive. It's risky, but it's the only way to ensure a longer life for Fourth..As you are also a heart surgeon, you also have ideas about those." the doctor explained.

"I understand your point, but there are many factors to consider. I'll discuss this with you in more detail later," New said.

"Fourth, where are you? Have you left?" New dialed Fourth's number as soon as he left the doctor's chamber.

"I've already left, P' New. My friends called me urgently, so I'm heading to the university right now," Fourth lied, having overheard the discussion between the doctor and his brother-in-law. He realized there would be another attempt to keep him alive longer.

Now, sitting on the grass in his favorite quiet spot at the park, Fourth looked at the sky. He had grown tired of the endless medications and treatments. "Everyone is living their lives peacefully. Did you forget to give me even a drop of peace?" he asked nature, perhaps even God.

"Why do I have to fight for every single breath? Everyone else enjoys their lives freely, but you are charging me for the single seconds of my life.. You took my mom away. I never even felt her touch. Wasn't that enough? Now you charge for every breath, putting my family through anxiety. Can't I ever give them anything but worry?" Fourth spoke blankly to the sky, his eyes emotionless and his cheeks streaked with warm tears.

He was exhausted, too tired to keep fighting for his life. Thoughts of self-harm had crossed his mind many times, but he couldn't bring himself to act on them, knowing his life had already cost his mother's.

He felt like a failure, never knowing a parent's love. His mother died giving birth to him, and his father always despised him for it. His brother was the only light in his dark world, yet he couldn't even give him peace. His brother consulted almost every heart specialist in the world, spending money just to keep him breathing.

"You must really dislike me so much that's why charging me for breathing in your world," Fourth said, his tears now dried. The morning sun cast a warm glow on his face, revealing a boy who was utterly exhausted.....


"Come in," Phuwin called out at the soft knock on the door of Gemini's studio. The door creaked open to reveal Pond, but today his eyes held a different glint, his usual playful expression replaced by a strangely calm demeanor. Pond was generally calm, but around Phuwin, he was always in a flirty mood. The drastic change in his behavior was startling.

"Where's Gem?" Pond asked curtly. Phuwin, taken aback, replied, "He hasn't arrived yet. He's on the way. What brings you here?" Yet, Phuwin couldn't help but wonder why Pond was so silent today.

"Oh, I'm here to discuss the choreography for his next concert. I'll come back when he's here," Pond said, turning to leave without so much as a glance at Phuwin.

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