Chapter Three: My Queen

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Guys I just want you to know I'm a massive PipxSeras fan... Therefore, for the means of this fic, Pip is found alive and turned into a vampire. I just love him and Seras so much together, I couldn't let it go. Anyway, heres chapter three.

"Multiple bruises... Blood... The only survivors. Her and the child." Lizzie could hear the voice of an aristocratic English woman speak while she woke from her dazed sleep. She felt a soft, warm bed around her, felt the soft light of day reach her eyes and shine lightly through her eye lids. It was a nice day, even for London. She could already tell. Sudden flash backs of the night before came back to her. The haggard face of Mr Dewesky, Seth screaming, Rosa's bloody body, the man in red... What a horrible dream... She thought to herself. Then the pain in the leg seared through her. She let out a strangled cry, and sat bolt upright, ignoring the pain in her sides. Her eyes flew open. She took in the surroundings. A roughly 30 year old woman with long blonde hair, dressed in a sharp suit stood next to her bed. On the other, a young girl in a short red and black skirt uniform stood, looking over her in a concerned manner. When she shot up, the girl jumped back. Her short blonde hair bounced, and her wild red eyes were sparkling. "Who are you? Where am I?" Lizzie looked to the older woman, then to the younger woman. But a voice from the corner of the room, a corner that had an unusual shadow cast over it for such a bright room.
"We are the Hellsing organisation. You're in the Hellsing manor, and you're in the presence of Lady Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing. You should address her as such." She recognised that deep, almost growling accent. It was the man from the hospital. The orange sunglasses he donned shone light off of the surface. He wore the same coat and hat he wore in the hospital. Lizzie then remembered. Amelia! Swinging her legs around the side of the bed, ignoring the pain in her side, she strode towards the spots where the man was sitting. "Where is Amelia? What have you done to her!" The man merely smiled. Lizzie then heard the whimper of a child from the other side of the door. Whipping her head around, she saw the door open. In came a tall man with big broad shoulders, an eye patch, a large brimmed brown hat and matching trench coat. He had a long braid that reached just above his waist. In his arms, he held Amelia. She was starting to cry, she was not used to strangers. Lizzie held Amelia to her chest, and she could still smell the strong perfume that Rosa wore. Damn woman, she couldn't resist holding Amelia. Lizzie's eyes started to leak with tears she had held back. Tears  for Rosa, tears for Mr. Dewesky, tears for Seth. Lizzie still cared, deep down, and one day that could've become love...
"You would never have fell in love with him Elizabeth. I wouldn't have let it happen." Lizzie heard the voice filter into her head. Looking up from Amelia, she stared at the mans face. "What do you mean?" she spat, angry he even had an opinion. After a few seconds silence, the man stood up to his full height of nearly seven foot. He dwarfed Lizzie, even the man in the trench coat that just entered the room looked small compared to him. The young blonde woman took Amelia from Lizzie, telling Lizzie she would feed her and bring her straight back. Everyone left the room, leaving the man and Lizzie alone together.
"What I mean Elizabeth, is that you're not anyone else's to fall in love with. You're mine." he said. He took his glasses off. He had the red eyes, like the blonde girl. But these eyes... they were like blood. Like a crimson satin sheet being pulled behind his eyes.
"I am nobodies to control. I am my own person. You have no say. I am going home, give me back Amelia and point me in the right direction towards Saint John's Wood." she lifted her chin in defiance to this man. The man smiled, a wolfish grin. There was a flash of his elongated canine teeth. Lizzie's defiance dropped.
"You are going nowhere. Who do you think scared away your first boyfriend? Or your second? Or your prom date?" Lizzie remembered. Both her boyfriends gave her a massive berth after they'd suddenly broken up with her. She'd seen them in the hallways of school, but they would run the other way if they saw her. And her prom date, the gorgeous Thomas Dean. She'd been lusting after him for six months, and her heart fluttered when she was asked two months before their prom. She'd worn a beautiful red dress. That night, Thomas held her around the waist during their slow dance, and his hands had wandered down to her bottom. She swatted his hand away, giggling. After the song finished, Thomas left to have a cigarette. He came back, three minutes later, clutching his mangled hand and was white as a sheet. His nose was bleeding and he had numerous deep scratches. Ranting and raving about a massive black wolf attacking him with six glowing red eyes. They were worried the dog could be rabid, so they quickly took him into quarantine. After 30 days of isolation with numerous tests ran on him, he was free to go. A further six months of medical treatments such as skin grafts, nerve repair and many other delicate surgeries, and the three years of therapy he went to twice a week, and he was ready to move on. But he had a huge fear of the dark and dogs. And he didn't speak to Lizzie after that. 
"And lets not forget Seth from the hospital. The creature hurt you after not getting what he wanted from you. I was happy to put a bullet in his head, ghoul or not."
Ghoul? "Wha... What are you? Who are you? What do you want from me?" she whimpered, so scared she started to shake. The grin only got larger as he advanced on her. "You, my dear Elizabeth, are my bride. Not by choice, but by nature. You are my future wife. And you are mine. I have been called many things through the years. Nosferatu, the Bird of Hermes, the Lord of Darkness, Hellsing's Trump Card. I have had countless names in languages you have never heard of. But you, my dear Queen, may call me Alucard. And I, am a vampire." he took her hand in his own, kissing it. "And I'm so glad to have you back, Elizabeth." Lizzie's sight was the last thing to leave her as she felt herself pass out again. But this time, a pair of strong arms caught her in a loving embrace. 

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