Chapter Ten

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"What do you mean, she can't live here?" Lizzie stood, defiant in the face of Alucard. The No Life King rolled his eyes.
"You know it's too dangerous. Ghouls overran the grounds, we're lucky we didn't lose any men, or that any of the creatures didn't get in. Imagine the terror that child would live with."
"We could keep her safe!"
"How? By putting her in a dungeon? Be realistic Elizabeth. Master and I have decided; Amelia will not be returning to the mansion."
Lizzie stared at him, hard.
"I fucking hate you." She exclaimed, turning on her heel and running off. She did not see Alucard wince at her words and she did not feel the pain he felt, that felt like a stab in the chest.

"Yes, it's strange ma cherie, but. It's what love does to some." Pip ruffled Seras' hair. They wondered back into their own room, their curiosity sated.

While the vampires where sleeping, Lizzie couldn't sleep. She was so angry. "I'm not staying here any longer!" she muttered to herself. Flinging her covers from her, she jumped out of bed and put on her shoes. She just needed to get out of the mansion, and she would be fine. She knew although Alucard could come out in the daylight, he didn't like it.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, she bolted for the door. Swinging it open, she expected a pale hand to yank her back in. But... it didn't. Shutting the door, she jogged down the front steps, onto the drive and kept on going  until she reached the gates, knowing if she passed them what the consequences could be. No, came her inner voice of strength. I will not be their bitch.  She tried to open the gate, which was locked. Not deterred, she grappled over it. Jumping over the other side, she smirked as she looked back at the house. As she started walking, she heard a bark behind her. A load, deep bark. Turning, she saw the dog she'd seen before. As big and black as ever. "Hey boy. I gotta go!" she smiled and turned again. But she heard something she never thought she'd hear from that dog; a whimper. "Boy?" he was by her side, nudging her with his head. "No boy, you have to stay." she tried to be firm, but his big soft eyes were breaking her heart. "Okay then, come with me. But be stealthy. We're escaping." The dog barked at her in agreement.

"So... this is my flat." she said quietly. Not realising how far away the mansion actually was from her old residence, she was very tired and out of breath. She had no money, no water, not even her Oyster card on her. The dog, whom she was yet to find the name of, was bolting around her small flat, barking and nudging things with it's nose. "Shhhh boy, the neighbours will hear you." now that she was back in the familiar flat, sat in her old chair, she thought. "Do people even know I'm alive still? What do they think happened to me?" Did she still have a job? Did her rent get paid? Was the flat she was currently sitting in even hers anymore? That was even the worst of her worries. Alucard, the King of the Undead, would be able to find her on the other side of the world, not just the other side of the city. "Fuck." she exclaimed. The dog was suddenly by her side again. "What am I going to do boy? I'm going to get hunted down by a bunch of psycho vampires." she was so tired and exhausted she could do nothing but drag herself up to climb into her bed. Tomorrow, she would empty her bank account and fly away somewhere. Possibly the Bahamas, get a job as some kind of bar lady, live the rest of her days out on the beach in the sun before shes killed by a psychotic creature of the night. Nestling under the covers, she snuggled down. A sudden weight indicated the dog was on the bed with her. Stroking his head, she fell asleep, no longer caring about her welfare, her exhausted body shutting itself down fora well deserved rest.

She awoke to complete darkness. The clock on the bedside cabinet shone brightly, telling her it was 3.30am. So she rolled over and tired to go back to sleep. A growl from beside her alerted her. "Mmmm... boy? Whats wrong?" the dogs head was up, its ears high, its fangs barred. Facing towards her door. Then, she heard it. The soft sound of a woman's voice. "Eliiiiizabeeeeeth..." she heard her name being called softly a few times. It was familiar...
You're stepping on my toes, girl. It hit her. Marissa!
"Come on out... I can smell youuuu." the voice whispered. Her blood ran cold. Sweet Jesus I'm going to die, she thought. She looked at the dog, who had gotten off the bed and had its head down, staring at the door. The growling got loader as Liz heard what sounded like a nail being dragged down her bedroom door. The door opened, and the dog pounced, attacking... nothing.
"Oh my God..." Liz scampered after the dog, worried for it's well being and her own. But the dog was gone. "Boy?" she said softly, tears springing to her eyes. She felt a hand touch her shoulder, one clasp over her mouth to stop her from screaming. She started to kick and fight and panic, until she caught the scent. The masculine, almost irresistible scent of... Alucard.
"Shhhh, Elizabeth. We must go quickly. Do not, make a noise." he removed his hand. Elizabeth, in nothing but a big baggy t shirt and black underwear, was being led out of the flat. "Alucard... I'm in my bedclothes!" she exclaimed. The sense of danger was gone, and the feeling of embarrassment started to creep in. With a click of his fingers she was in bottoms. "We have a serious talk ahead."
"No get off me. I'm not coming back." She struggled to get free, but failed. Alucard laughed at her. "Are you honestly trying to fight me? Fine, stay. But Marissa will come back for you while I'm not here." He said, letting her go. "Your plan to run off won't work. She'll find you like she has before." He swept out of the flat, visibly annoyed. Lizzie waited, the eerie feeling creeping back up on her. She chased him, closing the door behind her. As she ran out of the building, tailing him. She ducked into the car he was in, just being in his presence made her feel safe, relaxed.
The car ride was near silent, but he kept throwing side glances at her. She took in his state of what seemed to be undress. Trousers and a loose white shirt. His hair was shoulder length, his facial hair stubbly. He looked... worried. "You were foolish for running away. Why would you do that? I was worried, Elizabeth..." he said, although he did not sound as worried as she thought. "Sir Integra is beside herself, as is Seras and Pip. Do you have any idea what that would have done to them? Have you not grown to consider Seras a friend? She who hates the sunlight but will go out in it to see you happy and healthy? She who trained you so well, was there when you needed her? If not for me, the being who-" he stopped himself. "The person you are meant to be with, at least stop putting yourself in harms way for her sake. It would break her heart." He kept his eyes straight at this point. "I can't lose you again Elizabeth." He took her hand tightly, to which she pulled her hand back.
"Don't touch me."
"Why? What have I done so wrong that oyou won't even touch me?" he looked crestfallen.
The truth was, he'd done nothing. Nothing but be frightening and caring and controlling and oh so... patient. He had been patient with her. She knew, deep down, if it wasn't for him she'd have died that night in the hospital, Amelia would have died. She'd have been killed again by this psychotic vampire named Marissa. And he genuinely thought she was his long lost love, and she was just not cooperating. She could understand his frustration.
"Elizabeth please. The feelings I feel towards you are not a simple desire. Every time I've met a different you, I've fallen more and more in love with you. You are what brings me meaning! Why can't you let me try to be what you need? Why do you fight me at every turn? When we get closer, you push me away. Is it because of what I am? What I was?" He was not looking at the road, but was looking at her. Pain filling his eyes, she felt every word. How can this man, this thing, make her feel like this? Guilt for pushing him away. A need to wrap her arms around him, to be close to him. Looking at his sharp, handsome features, she felt a rush of affection. And like that, her vision clouded, and she groaned as her head hit the back of the seat.
"Ah my Lord, the gardens are just stunning, even at night!" She smiled up at the tall dark gentleman. Her arm was interlocked in his, as they took a leisurely stroll across his rolling, lush grounds.
"Not as stunning as you, my dear." He whispered softly to her. Her family and the friends from England had been there a month now, and the Count and the young Lady were inseparable. Always at each other's sides, always conversing between themselves in Romanian, laughing and smiling, but also talking so passionately about political affairs and literacy in English that the other guests felt they were watching a play.
"You are silly, my Lord." She giggled softly, a rosy blush appearing on her cheeks. He leaned in closer, smiling and said;
"I told you, call me Vlad." He leaned closer to her neck but she pulled away gently, more peals of laughter.
"But... it's improper! I cannot!" And to this, he moved in so close to her, she felt his lips near hers.
"To Hell with propriety, and be damned to everyone who thinks badly of us." And with that, he kissed her for the first time. All she could hear was the crickets and the thud of her heart against her rib cage. In the short time she knew him, she had fallen madly in love with him.
"I love you, Elizabeth." She heard as the scene went black and she snapped back to reality.

"Elizabeth!!" She heard Alucards voice call to her.
"What!" She snapped angrily. It was as if she'd been woken up from a pleasant dream, or a nap. She met his bright crimson eyes.
"What did you see?" He asked her quietly.
"Huh?" She shook her head slightly, and he leaned in. She became aware the car had stopped, the lights were off. They were surrounded by darkness. She guessed they were on the Hellsing property, in the woodland expanse. Her heart pounded as she felt his hot breath on her lips.
"What. Did. You. See?" He enquired, but she felt it was no longer a question.
'He's going to kiss me... ' she thought. 'Would it be a bad thing?' He didn't lose eye contact, but their lips were nearly touching.
'All these... thoughts. Images. Memories, nearly? All of them show the same thing, repeatedly; I want Alucard. I need him. I can't help but gravitate towards him.' She tried to answer the question he had asked her, but all that came out was a throaty 'ahhh'. He put his gloved hand to the back of her neck, and pulled her close into him. Their lips crashed together and she let out a slight moan as their lips met and their tongues explored each other's mouths. A short time passed, and Alucard pulled away from Elizabeth.
"I love you, Elizabeth." The exact same voice, tone, the same drag on his words. Closing your eyes, she'd have never have known the two scenarios apart. She smiled, basking in the sweet feeling that washed over her. Sitting back in her seat, Alucard started the car again. In the brief moment the car light was illuminated, Alucard caught sight of something in the night. A swish of black, silken hair that moved like a shadow. A flash of red eyes. As the car darkened, he didn't allow Lizzie to catch on that Marissa had followed them.

"Look, if you're that concerned, just stay with me." Elizabeth smiled from her position in her bed, as Alucard checked from the curtain. He knew she was out there, he could smell her. But this comment made him drop the curtain. He turned to look at her, a look of amusement on his face. He took in her baggy tshirt and black pantie bed combo, appreciating the exposed flesh, Lizzie blushed. "I mean just stay in here.. like sleep next to me... not with me. I just don't feel safe sleeping alone..." she looked at the bed as she picked loose threads. Although that would be nice, too. She thought to herself, but then shook her head. Smiling still, Alucard removed shirt, depositing it on the arm chair he had sat at a few months back when she had first awoken in the room. She stared at his body, slimline yet musclebound, and oddly familiar.  Climbing onto the bed, he crawled towards her. "Why are you blushing, my queen?" He smirked,  revealing two sharp canines. He rested his hands on either side of her thighs, his face inches from hers. Lizzie playfully nudged him to the side with her hand. She patted the side of her bed. "Come on. I'm tired." She nestled down, waiting for the warmth of him to envelop her back. She felt a light kiss on the back of her neck, and her small smile became wider as she drifted from reality into her pleasant dreams.

Master? Alucard heard Seras' voice in his head.
Yes, Police Girl?
There's someone outside... I can sense them. 
I know, Seras.
What are my orders?
Such a dutiful fledgling she is. 
Enjoy the night, child. And do not worry about who is outside, she'll leave soon.
Yes... she. Good night, Draculina. 

And with that, Alucard felt the breaths of Elizabeth getting deeper and longer.
"I swear, I'll guard and protect you forever, my love." he kissed the back of her head, pulling her in closer to him. Not even his centuries old hatred towards Marissa could make him leave this bed.

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