Chapter Seventeen

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I am so sorry for how long this took. I appreciate you all waiting for me to update and I'll try harder. I'm moving in with my girlfriend today, so I'll probably have the next chapter up within a week, just need to write up the final copy. Again thank you for waiting, I love you all  -  author

For days, Alucard locked himself away in the library. Reading the books, looking through the files. Finally, he found the book he was looking for. Bigger than many, old and bound in goatskin, he read. Written in ancient Latin, Alucard scanned the pages. Telekinetic powers... telekinetic powers... ah!

A young witch will begin showing signs of her power when she is starting puberty. The ability to move objects with their magick may be present. Elemental magick is also a possibility, but rare unless they have been apprenticed and learned to tap into the power of Mother Nature.
Reading this, Alucard was sure. Standing, he took the book and headed towards his Master's office.

"Alucard! What is it?" Sir Integra stood as Alucard materialised beside her. He opened the book on the page he had marked.
"Read it."
"Alucard this was from my great grandfather's research, witches are near-"
"Extinction, yes I know."
"So why-"
"They've not had a Grand High Witch for the past five hundred years."
"Yes, I'm fully aware."
"The Grand High Witch couldn't be found all this time because it's Elizabeth. The previous Grand High Witch, Mrs Jeannette McQueen, passed away the night Lady Elizabeth Austin was born." Integra's eyes widened behind her spectacles. She sat back down.
"So our Lizzie-"
"Is the next Grand High Witch. That is why there haven't been new witches. Because every time she is killed, there is no longer a vessel for the magic to be drawn from."
"I-I don't know what to say."
"I think Marissa knows this. She hated witches more than she hated me. She must have figured it out when she had Victoria, one of Elizabeth's incarnations, hung during the Salem Witch Trials. Without Elizabeth, there were no longer witches with power. Those who had been captured were either killed or let go, and those who hadn't been caught or were set free had lost all of their power."
"And Lizzie has never known whether or not she was the Grand High Witch?"
"I don't know."
"What shall we do?" The Master asked her servant, seeking his wisdom. Alucard removed his orange-tinted glasses, and Integra noticed how tired he looked. Sorrowful.
"I must have the High Priestess of the East End take her to their sacred grounds in Germany, and begin her training. And eventually, the harvest." He looked crestfallen.
"But Alucard, we need you here."
"And so here I'll stay." He couldn't look his master in the eye, he couldn't bare to let her know how painful this decision would be. Integra covered his hand with hers.
"Are you sure this is the only way?"
"To defeat Marissa once and for all? Knowing Lizzie is at full strength, she won't be able to resist coming at us. I've tried for hundreds of years to protect Lizzie and relieve Marissa of every last drop of life I gave to her. It's the only way."
"Shall I call the High Priestess?"
"No. I'll go to her." Alucard disappeared, and Integra was once again left alone.

Alucard stood outside of the terraced house, listening to the wind chimes, hearing past them and listening to the house. He could hear three heartbeats, two of which were animals, probably cats. The third was a healthy, strong heartbeat. As he was about to knock the door, it opened. No one stood in the doorway, or beside the door. Alucard entered with caution. Upon entry, he could feel it. The rippling aura, the sparks of ancient magick fizz in through the air. Looking around, he saw an all manner of different magickal items, which to the untrained eye, would look like the typical decorations of an old lady's house. Small nick nacks, such as ornaments, jars, bunches of hers, lined rickety wooden shelves. Entering the living room, Alucard looked towards the fireplace. And that is where all the altar and witchcraft essentials were kept. Walking towards the stone fireplace, he ran his long gloved finger across various items. He saw an athame, a dagger with Celtic symbols carved into the wooden handle, a long, thick knobbly stick made of oak, the wand. He saw a crystal ball, a pack of cards wrapped partially in silk. And a small box. The box was made of wood, and had a lock on it. Picking up the box, he felt a cold metal press to his throat, a strong hand wrapping around his waist.
"Put it down, vampire." A voice hissed in his ear. He slowly put down the dark box, and Alucard turned quickly but was flung back with a simple wave of her hand. He was thrown against a bookcase, which did not move, and none of the old books and tomes fell out. From his new position on the floor, he tried to stand but was held in place.
"State your business and I may decide to spare you." The woman was tall, about five foot ten, and was very attractive. Red curls fell to her waist, sitting in a half braid that twisted from either side of her head and joining together at the back. She had green eyes and freckles, and her eyelashes were thick, and she was well groomed. She wore a simple black empress style dress, which could be considered 'witchy' with its long, draping sleeves and floor length. She looked to be around twenty-five.
"Well?" She demanded. He could see the witch in front of him begin to shift, feeling uncomfortable.
"I've come to you because you are the only one who can help me." He began thinking of Lizzie, at home in bed, thinking about him. He had visited her during the night during his breaks in research. The last time he had visited her, she had rolled onto her back, smiled, and whispered; "Alucard. Alucard." And rolled over again. He wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and keep her safe.
"Why would I help you? A night stalker? A leech! A filthy bloodsucker, who's kind assisted in the genocide of my people!" She said in disgust, venom rolling off her tongue.
"Because I know who the Grand High Witch is. I know who and where she is, and I know you can't pass up a chance to find her. You'll be exiled by your coven, and executed by order of the council." Alucard laughed, the face she had pulled was priceless.
"Where is she?" She demanded. She released her telekinetic hold over him, and he stood to his full height.
"I know where she is. But I need you to promise me something first."
"Like what?" The young looking woman asked him. He stepped towards her, and she felt his power radiate, the dark aura surrounding him threatening to blacken her own. She visibly shook as he advanced. Closing her eyes, she felt her magick begin to simmer inside of her. If he touched her, he would be done for. Contact with a witch harnessing her magic could render them paralysed, or dead, depending on how powerful the witch was, or if they were untrained. The High Priestess waited, but Alucard didn't touch her. Opening her eyes, the space in front of her was empty. Looking down, she saw he was on his knees, his hands clasped together.
"High Priestess of the East End hive, I offer you my eternal power and gratitude to you, if you will grant me this one wish? Please, look after my Lizzie."

Alucard re-entered the mansion with the hooded High Priestess in tow. He led her to the library.
"I'll find Lizzie and talk to her. I'll bring her here. Wait a few minutes." He said curtly.
"Of course." She nodded, taking the hood of her black robe down, sitting in an armchair. Alucard looked for Lizzie. He searched her room, the labs, Sir Integras office, the dining room, even the garden. He then remembered what day it was. It was a Friday. She would be downstairs doing hand to hand combat training with Sera's and the new recruits. He inhaled, and used his power to melt through the floor, solidifying in the basement. Lizzie was wearing a pair of red skin-tight trousers with red trim and the Hellsing logo on the left thigh, a white vest top, and some black combat boots. Seras was training her, being as gentle as she could, so she wasn't breaking a sweat. Alucard watched as Lizzie blocked all the punches Seras threw at her, even if she was going slower than usual, it was still faster and stronger than any human. However, she looked about ready to give in, the sweat dripping from her face and neck. But she pressed on. Alucard watched her body and realised the last few months had taken a lot of the softness from her body. She was lean, muscular, and far faster and agile than before. She'd come so far. Watching her body made him think of other things, inappropriate thoughts. Inappropriate thoughts that were not wanted at this time.
"Elizabeth." He cleared his throat and watched as she looked at him, stopping Seras's blocks and receiving a punch to the chest.
"Fuck! What is it, Alucard?" She held her left breast, a pained expression on her face as she rounded on him. Alucard grinned at her, soaking in her beauty. 
"I need you to come with me, now." he motioned to her to follow him. 
"What? No kiss?" she giggled, prodding him as they reached the elevator. He didn't respond. 
"Where have you been the last few nights?" she asked. 
"I've been collecting and reviewing previous research done by Sir Integra's great grandfather, and I need to discuss this with you."
"Sounds serious," she joked with him, but Alucard looked every bit as serious as his tone.
"It is," he muttered lowly, watching the elevator doors close. As they did, he wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in her neck. 
"I've researched your power, Lizzie."
"Alucard, I've already told you. I don't have-" 
"Please stop. Just listen." Lizzie narrowed her eyes, but kept quiet. He continued; "In the grimoires belonging to Abraham Van Helsing, a young witch will display telekinetic powers, amongst other powers, when they hit puberty. Without intent, the powers will be too subtle to notice, easily passed up as a dream, clumsiness."
"The night you, Lady Elizabeth Austin, were born, the last Grand High Witch, the most powerful witch of all, and the powerhouse of all hives and covens, passed away."
"Right." she said simply. 
"Well, since your previous incarnations have been cut short before you learnt of your craft, your soul has been reborn, over and over again. Marissa is terrified of witches. She is scared of how powerful they are, especially High Priestesses and other elders. She hated the previous Grand High Witch." he looked into her eyes, and she knew in that moment, he wasn't pulling her leg.
"You think I'm a witch?" 
"I know it." he said as the elevator door dinged open. 
"I don't know how to feel about this." she said to no one in particular. Alucard grimaced
"I have a woman here to see you," he said gently as they arrived at the library door.
"What... Alucard, it's the middle of the night?" she said, confused. It was 3AM. Who would want to see her at this time of night?
"The High Priestess of the East End coven." he watched as shock crossed her face.
"Are you kidding, an entire coven? There's more witches than just this High Priestess?" 
"In London alone, there are more than seven hundred practicing witches who are involved with the hive."
"What is a hive?" she asked weakly. Witches? Magic? Hives and covens? What was going on?
"A hive is what you call more than three covens in one area. The High Priestess is the appointed leader of each coven, and each hive has a council made up of these such elders." Alucard explained. 
"So I take it she's an old bag?" Lizzie once again attempted humour once again as she opened the heavy library doors. Alucard opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off by a voice from the shadows.
"On the contrary, Elizabeth. I take pride in how young I look." 

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