Chapter Seven: Bloody Memories

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Ripping her hand away from Alucard, she jumped back.
"What was that?" She exclaimed. Her hand felt like it was vibrating.
"What did you see?" Alucard exclaimed, surprised.
"I... She pushed me! Off a balcony!" Lizzie exclaimed. She started to cry. "Who was she? What did she want? Why would she do that?" Lizzie sobbed. She just didn't understand why this was happening. Alucard pulled her to him. His whole body, it seemed to wrap around her, though it was not his arms. Despite his body being cool, she felt a warmth spread through her body, one that made her feel safe. Safer than she'd ever felt in her life. She continued to cry into Alucard's shoulder. He settled them to the ground, where he sat her in his lap and cradled her. Lizzie threw her arms around his neck, settled her head into the crook of his neck. And he held her, held her until she couldn't cry anymore and the convulsions of her body subdued.
"Lizzie. I'm sorry. We need to get ready." Alucard muttered into her hair. Lizzie caught herself, shocked she'd embraced him so easily. She got up, her legs still shaking. Alucard then stood again, towering over her. She sniffles, and looked him in the eye. "Thank you." She muttered. He placed a hand on either side of her face, and kissed her forehead. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her flush to his chest. Resting his chin on top of her soft hair, he said: "Lizzie, I need you to speak to the girls working at Underworld, mainly the dancers about their employer, ask about a job. Do not approach any men. If someone's goes to get their employer then I want you to stay put, I'll find you. Can you do that?" He asked her, his tone flat and calm.
"Yes." Lizzie nodded under his chin. He released her, whipping a tear from her eye.
"Good. Now go and get ready." Lizzie nodded again, turning to trudge up the stairs. Getting to her room, she opened the door and there were several bags on the bed, There was a note on the bed, from Alucard.
Beloved Lizzie,
I picked this for you. I hope you like it.

Yours only and forever,
Alucard x

Lizzie cracked a smile at this. How sweet! Opening the bag, she stopped. This dress was stunning! Pulling it out of its bag, she marvelled at the simple beauty of it. It was a long, burgundy empress dress with a diamond shape of sequins that came between the breasts. It looked too beautiful to wear. Checking the label, she cringed at the price tag that had been left on. Far too much money for something that could possibly get ruined. Then, it hit her. This was her first mission. Her first real encounter with the kind of vampires that had killed her friends, her patients. Shuddering, she laid the dress on the bed. She noticed it had a long slit up the side which exposed her right leg slightly. Inside the bag she found a simple black pair of high heeled pumps. Checking the time, she realised she only had an hour to be ready and at the front door. She curled her hair, pinning it in place. She applied a small amount of makeup and some red lipstick. Checking the time again, she saw she had ten minutes. Enough time to put the dress and shoes on.

Standing in front of the full length mirror, she marvelled at herself. For the first time in many years, she felt beautiful. Perfect. She smiled. There was a short rap at the door, and in came Seras, now currently in her pjs. Seras stopped and stared in wonder. The dress fit Lizzie's slim but curved frame perfectly, as if it had been made for her especially. She heard a chap on the door, and then heard it creak open.
"It's me, Seras. Master is downstairs waiting..." Seras trailed off, catching sight of her friend. "Liz... You look beautiful!" Seras gasped. Lizzie could feel her grin grow bigger. "Thank you Seras! Alucards downstairs did you say?" She asked. "Do you think he'll like the dress on me?" Before she could stop herself, the question slipped out. Seras picked up on this. "Of course miss, dark red is very becoming of you. But I have this for you." she held up a semi automatic pistol and a thigh holster. How very 007 chic. Seras helped her position the holster and gun so that it wouldn't be noticed.

Lizzie took a deep breath, then sprayed the perfume that was on the side (the same as her usual) quickly as a last measure. The familiar scent did a small amount to relax her tense body. Another breath rattled out of her as she placed a hand on the rail.  Descending the staircase, she wondered what Alucard would wear. The usual outfit of a red duster coat and hat? Very conspicuous . This was answered as she while distracted, tripped off the bottom stair, and into the arms of the very vampire in question. Looking up into his eyes, she saw he had pulled his hair back into a ponytail, though it was a fair few inches shorter now. His moustache was groomed well. He wore a black suit and burgundy tie, obviously expensive. He was so handsome... Stop it Lizzie! Her inner voice shouted at her. She blinked, momentarily dumbfounded by the beautiful, dangerous monster in front of her. 

"You look so beautiful Elizabeth." Alucard breathed, leaning down. He laid a small kiss on her cheek, and he took another sharp breath. "Simply beautiful." She felt him smile against her skin. "Are you ready?" 
"Yes." she said, motioning him to lead the way. 

"I thought we weren't supposed to draw attention to ourselves?"
"I fail to see the problem." 
"You're going to drive a white lamborghini aventador to a fucking night club?" she cursed, waving her hand at the sleek, madly expensive car. As beautiful as it was, she would have felt less conspicuous with him arriving at the nightclub with her in his usual attire. At least in all the vampire bars she'd seen in the films, he'd kind of fit in. 
"My Queen, just trust me. Please, we're already late." he said smoothly, tapping the face of his watch. Lizzie rolled her eyes and stalked to the car, trying to disguise the nerves. She lifted up the scissor door and slid in slowly. While she was arranging her dress, shadows appeared around the car, she could see them from the small light in the front seat of the car. Panicking, she then realised that the shadows were shutting the door. Alucard slid into the seat next to her, opening and closing his door manually. "This is you, isnt it?" she gestured toward the now closed door. He smiled that wolfish grin, the one she was quickly becoming fond of. Putting the key in the ignition. the car purred to life. "Strap in." he said. When she didn't listen the first time, he looked at her through narrowed eyes. "Elizabeth. Strap. In." he demanded. She saw real irritation flair in his eyes, so Lizzie quickly put her belt on. Satisfied that she was safely buckled up, he revved the car and sped off. Taking in the huge mansion they were quickly leaving in the rearview mirror, she saw how stunning it was. She hadn't left the house in two weeks, she had been too busy with Seras. As they disappeared into the darkness, she looked towards Alucard. How could this incredibly handsome man- vampire... be her soulmate? 
As if he could hear her thoughts, Alucard looked towards Lizzie. He reached one hand out, taking hers in his. "Smile Elizabeth. You're far more beautiful when you're smiling at me." he joked, squeezing her hand lightly. He withdrew softly, almost as if he was scared to hurt her. And in that moment, for the first time in weeks, even though she was driving towards one of the most dangerous things she would ever do, Lizzie felt truly safe.

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