Chapter Eight: Underworld

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Lizzie had lost herself in the car ride. However, when the car slowed, Alucard handed her an ID that had her nurse identification card picture on it, with her assigned name. "Jessica Wright?" she questioned.
"It goes through a randomized system. It stops patterns from appearing." he said, and extended his hand. "Money." She felt the large roll of money being put into her hand. "Put it in your purse."
"But I don't have a-" she was cut off as he raised a hand. A black clutch bag with the small chain hung from his pointer finger. She took it slowly. "Thank you." she smiled a little. "Ok, I'll be in momentarily. Go in and you'll see me there soon. Order yourself a vodka or gin, you'll be able to see if anyone has tampered with it." She nodded, and got out of the car. Standing, she saw there was a long line of glamorously dressed women and suave looking gentlemen waiting to gain access to the club. A tall, bald man stood at the line. He clapped eyes on Lizzie, his eyes raking against her form. He motioned her over.
"Here we are miss. No admission fee for you. Have a good night." He smiled at her, pulling the rope back. She grinned and touched his arm as she walked past. "Thank you." She said, hearing the audible anger from the rest of the line. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Alucards car driving by slowly before disappearing down the street. Smiling again, she entered the club.

Underworld was much different to what she imagined it to be. The fact that  everyone was dressed up for a Hollywood red carpet style event just didn't match up to the interior, the music, or the atmosphere. Walking in, the walls, floors and the majority of clothing was black. A band Lizzie recognised as In This Moment were blasting through the speakers, but she couldn't remember the song. There was red, purple and green strobe lights that made the thick smoke from the fog machine appear eerier than it would already. Lining the walls, there were four female dancers in glass cases, gyrating and dancing around poles in scanty outfits which seemed to be made of nothing more than some leather and lace, with a few diamantes here and there. The two she could see were both beautiful, but not 'vampire standard.' It struck Lizzie that the glass cases these girls were in the cases to keep them safe from the undead club goers.  There was a long bar that stretched and dominated one side of the room, with four different bar attendants spread out along them. Three were women, and one was a man. Looking round, she could see the other patrons of the club. She pushed her way through the busy club, some how ending up being edged onto the dance floor. Lizzie pushed and barged her way to the bar. Landing in front of one of the three women, she smiled. This girl was about 5'5'', with thick red hair, and a large chest. She wore a black leather crop top, with a matching skirt and patented Doc Martens.She had big brown eyes, her eyelashes were impossibly long, and she had a small gathering of freckles across her cheeks. And she had the biggest resting bitch face Lizzie had ever seen. Human. Lizzie was still desperately looking around for Alucard.
"What can I get ya?" she asked, as if bored of asking the same question over and over again.
"Erm... a vodka and lemonade
"On the rocks, honey?" Lizzie nodded back at her. Another barmaid, an African American girl wearing a red and black corset, a decorative choker and black jeans jogged up to her. She whispered something in her colleague's ear. She nodded back at her, and the other girl ran off again. The first barmaid turned to her and said "Put your money away, that guy down there just paid ten times what I needed as a tip for this drink." she smiled, pointing down the bar. She looked down to see Alucard leaning his towering form against the bar, what she only suspected to be brandy in his hand and a smirk on his face. She rolled her eyes and smiled, and turned to find her drink in front of her. She sipped at the drink. 
"So... when do the dancers come down?" she shyly asked her red haired bar maid. She saw the brown eyes light up with hope. 
"Oh you want a private dance with one of 'em? Wouldn't have guessed you were that way inclined. They come down in about half an hour." she smiled, a genuine, flirty smile. Lizzie shivered. No no no no no. She took a large gulp of her drink, and cast her eyes back to  Alucard. He had narrowed his eyes, obviously displeased with the scene unfolding in front of him. She rolled her eyes at him playfully. Taking another sip at her drink, she walked away, towards the cages. But she could feel his eyes on her back. She watched the dancers with intent, wondering which one would be easiest to talk to. Lizzie decided the girl in the glass box closes to the bar looked the nicest. She couldn't see much of her face, just that she had a rounded face with a sweet mouth. 

When they came down from the cages, they quickly retreated. Except the girl she wanted to talk to. She had her back facing Lizzie, who walked towards her quickly. She was a girl with short, curly brown hair. Tapping her on the shoulder, she turned. Two things hit her at once. The large, somehow innocent looking red eyes, and the flawless beauty of such a creature. She stuttered. Then; "Those are some wicked contacts. Hi... I'm Jess." she extended her hand. The small woman, who was quite clearly a vampire, took her hand and shook it. 
"Yeaaahhh, my contacts, haha. My name's Abigail. Can I help you?" Liz looked over her shoulder at the other dancers that were scattering around the club, and at the ones taking their place. They all had glowing, deep red eyes. All vampires. All young girls, some of which that couldn't be more than 17. She pulled her eyes away to focus on the young vampire in front of her.
"I've just moved here from Liverpool and I was looking to resume working as a dancer here. Would you be able to tell me how I would possibly go about getting a job here?" the lies rolled off her tongue almost naturally. Abigail looked her up and down. She kept glancing around, weary..
"Where did you work before? Last I heard, Liverpool didn't have many... establishments, like this one. What was the name of it?" Abigail enquired. Funny, Liverpool had plenty of strip clubs.
"I don't believe you would have heard of it, it wasn't very upscale. It was called Aphrodites."
"Right. Well the owner isn't here right now. Do you want their number? I just need to get my bag, I'm finishing now anyway. I'll be right back." Abigail looked behind Lizzie, and her eyes widened. She looked back into Lizzie's face. "Ermm... in fact... could you possibly come with me please? I... I might be a while." she muttered. She grabbed Lizzie's hand and pulled her along the throbbing dance floor. She was unbelievably strong. Lizzie looked around desperately, and locked eyes with a darkly dressed man. Remembering what Alucard had said, she nodded towards the door as clearly as she could, not caring whether she got caught or not. After the door was shut, she whirled around and stared at her. "That tall man outside, with the long black hair... He's come to see my boss, hasn't he?"
"Tall man? Who?" Liz tried to play dumb. The girl saw Alucard. She thought he was trying to be inconspicuous.
"I saw the way he was looking at you. And we all know who he is, so that means one thing."
"What's that?"

"You're his promised. His True Queen." with this, Abigail dropped to her knees. "Please...please help us miss. Our boss... she did this to us. She made us what we are. She took us from our families, our friends and our homes. She makes us..." the tears in her eyes, Abigail grabbed the front of her dress. "She makes us have sex with these disgusting men for blood. Not for money, or reputation, she kills them afterwards! She does it for entertainment. She's a monster. We're all monster, but this... this creature... please Miss, I'm scared. I can't carry on like this." Looking into her face, now covered in black eye makeup, she realised that not all of their kind were evil. She kind of reminded her of Seras. Liz got down to her level, and held her face between her hands. "Don't worry Abigail. I swear to you, him and I will get you out of here. On my life." 
Just then, Alucard burst through the door. 
"Whats going on?"

Filling Alucard in on what happened, he knelt down in front of the girl. "Look at me, child." he barked. The girls head shot straight up. It did not seem out of her own free will, as she was shaking. What kind of nuts powers did this guy have? 
"Now..." he said, holding his gaze to hers. "Tell me child... who is your boss? What is here name?"
"Her name... her name is Clara."
"And how old is Clara? Really?" 
"245 years old... she was brought to England from America on a ship 230 years ago." 
"How old was she when she was turned?"

"14 sir..."
"Jesus Christ! How can a 14 year old girl commit such atrocities?" Liz's eyes widened in shock.
"Lizzie... you have to remember, she isn't a 14 year old anymore. She's a woman in a child's body. She's matured and turned these poor girls as a means of entertainment. She is no innocent."
"Who is it that Clara answers to?" Liz looked at him puzzled, but her confusion deepened when Abigail replied.

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