Chapter Five: Your New Uniform

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"Seras, you can call me Lizzie you know. I'm not your teacher, there is no need for calling me Miss." Lizzie playfully poked Seras with her thumb. She nodded. "Yes! Sorry! By the way, your uniform arrived." Pointing at a large cardboard box sitting in the centre of the room. They where in a gymnasium style room with mats and boxing gloves and pads. Picking up the box, Seras sliced through the sellotape with one finger nail. Lizzie was dumb founded, looking at her own chipped nails.They were in desperate need for a manicure. Seras's nails where perfect, a natural rounded shape.

Opening up the box, she pulled out the new all in one jumpsuit. It was red and black, with the Hellsing emblem on the left breast.
"Here, let me help you try it on!" she said.
"What? But we're not in a bathroom?"
"Don't be silly, everyone else has gone home, it's Friday evening!" Seras laughed. Hesitating, Lizzie pulled the black leggings down, and pulled off the long sleeved tshirt she was wearing. Taking the uniform, she slid it on. It clutched at her like a second skin, but it was light and breathable.
"These where designed for the secret services and the Spec Ops and Recon squads in the army. But the government decided we needed them first, all we needed to do was test it out for them in the field. All went well, thank God."
"Between the two layers of synthetic, extra comfy fabric is a layer of newly developed kevlar, stops bullets and knife attacks all over the body. It's a breathable fabric, which means no sweating. It also keeps heat in, so you'll be suited for all environments. The boots," Seras said, pulling out a pair of knee high black boots from the box "are made of thick leather. Real. So sorry if you're a vegetarian. Inside the right boot, theres a small compartment. In them is where we keep cyanide pills. You know... Just in case. But so far, no one has ever had to use them. And you see the soles of the shoes? They have knives concealed in them. If ever you find yourself in a position with no weapon or your hands are tied, just use one foot to kick the tab into the others heel. That way you can slice your way out."

"Right, I'm going to go over what we've already learned with hand to hand combat. We did have you down to learn how to use a gun, however, Alucard had... business to attend to elsewhere." Seras frowned. She herself had not seen her master since that night. It had been three weeks, and Lizzie's training had been going very well. Sir Integra was very impressed with her progress. There suddenly was a crackling over a tanoy system. "*ahem* Elizabeth? You're needed in Sir Integra's office."

"Well, looks like you're needed elsewhere. I'll meet you later for some lunch?" Seras said. The fact Seras could still eat human food, and actually enjoyed doing so, was a relief to Lizzie. She didn't think she could cope if finger sandwiches to Lizzie was something completely different to Seras. Instead, Seras enjoyed a ham and cheese sandwich and a slice of cake every now and then. Lizzie and Seras walked together right to the door of Sir Integra's office. Lizzie could hear muffled voices. Seras went white. "Get in there, quickly. I'll see you soon." And she ran off quickly. Lizzie knocked on the door. "Come in!" she heard Integra shout.
"Master please. She can't. I can do this on my own! I refuse to lose her again." Alucard stood in front of the desk. He whipped around to face in her direction.
"Ah Lizzie. Tell Alucard how well your training is going. You'll be accompanying him, and helping him destroy the targets inside." Integra said. "Alucard, go. Show her how to shoot a gun." 
Alucard seethed visually. He turned and stalked away. Lizzie could see the anger in his face, and heard it in his voice as he said: "Ten minutes. Be downstairs in the practice room." And with that, he disappeared down through the floor boards. Lizzie, shaking her head, looked at Integra in concern. "I'm so confused. What club is it we're raiding?"
"Underworld. Truly fitting. There have been a few vampires running it for years, it's very much like a normal Goth club you see around the country. As they were living peacefully alongside humans and there had been no attacks in or around their club up until recently, we decided to overlook them. However, for the last three weeks, no less than eight girls have turned up around the area, all with puncture marks, some bodies mangled so beyond recognition that only their dental records could be used to identify them. Others where just simply left, laying as if asleep, and blunt force trauma to the back of the head. I'd say it was to stop them becoming ghouls. It's strange, it was as if an older vampire was showing a newer vampire the ropes." Integra said, almost as if to herself. Lizzie looked down at the table. There where many photos of crime scenes, all splayed out, covering most of the hard oak. 
"My neighbour Jenny goes to that club... she goes every weekend." 
"Don't say anything. Her or her friends may be in some way involved in this, and we don't want the operation to be for nothing. Now, go down and listen to Alucard." Integra nodded her out of the door. 

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