Chapter Nine: Mans Best Friend

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"Marissa..." Alucard looked enraged. His face contorted into a picture of evil. Lizzie stood back. "Lizzie. Let's go. Now."
Turning towards the girl, he looked her dead in the eye with his swirling red eyes, and said: "forget us, we were never here."

In the car, Alucard strapped Lizzie in by hand, securing her. He closed and locked the door quickly, hoping in the other side. He sped off, all lights turning green as he raced through the streets of London.
"Alucard, please, we're going to crash!" Lizzie was terrified. Looking at the speedometer, it read 123 mph. Holy fuck.
"We won't crash, Elizabeth. I won't let any harm come to you." They were nearly at the manor, driving up the winding drive way. As they stopped, she threw open the door and jumped out, landing on her hands and knees. She tried hard to keep her food down, and she succeeded. Alucard was out of the car, round to her side to help her up. As he stood her up, he brushed the hair from her face, looking her dead in the eye.
"As long as the sun rises in the east, and sets in the west. As long as I have the strength to crawl across this dirt pile of a planet, even on my belly, as long as there is air in my lungs. I will protect you. You are my Queen, and the No Life King will never let his Queen come to any harm."
And with that, he planted a kiss on her lips. She returned the kiss briefly and then pulled away, turning. What am I doing? She questioned herself.
"I want to go to bed." She stated. He grinned st her, kissing the back of her hand.

The exhaustion and the excitement, mixed with the lack of food and the adrenaline from the car ride, made Liz weak at the knees. Alucard let her walk into the manor, and lost patience, lifting her and carrying her. He whispered sweet nothings in her ear as she laid her Head into his bicep. Seras stuck her head out of one room, and stuck it back into it after seeing Alucard. Getting to her room, Alucard removed the pins from her hair, the curls falling little by little. Her eyes remained closed. He wiped her face lightly with a makeup wipe. He unzipped her dress, pulling it off. Liz's eyes were closed, but she was awake, and she knew he was looking at her, wearing nothing but her madly expensive underwear. Just as the pause started to grow too long, she heard the drawers opening. He had found pajamas, which he put on her. The fireplace in her room was then lit. As she opened her eyes, she was face to face with Alucard. Not thinking, she reached up to stroke his cheek, smiling. He leaned into her affectionate touch. "I love you, my queen." He whispered quietly but clearly, leaning down to kiss her on the nose. Lizzie put her hand on the back of his head and gently tugged the back of his neck, his lips lightly brushing her. She didn't know why, but she could not resist the temptation of him. Although the passion behind the kiss was electrifying, Alucard pulled away.
"Rest now." And with that, her eyes closed.

Her eyes opened again, and the room was different. The walls were red, her bed a four poster with wooden poles holding up the large curtains that surrounded her sides, but not the foot of her bed. She could see a roaring fire, which was the only thing illuminating the room.
"Elizabeth?" She heard Alucard's voice as he stepped into view at the foot of her bed. The flames danced against his shirtless body. He was pale, a light sprinkling of chest hair on his abdomen and pectoral muscles. Looking down, she realised she was in a kind of nightgown, which was white and stopped at her knees. "Count." She smiled. What the hell... I can't control my own mouth! She thought. She couldn't move, either. She watched as Alucard climbed onto the bed, and crawled up to her slowly, playfully. He stopped, and she marvelled at his wondrous body, his flawless beauty. "My dear Count, you make me feel so hideous!" She giggled lightly. The Counts face briefly darkened.
"Do not be foolish, Elizabeth! You are perfect in every way!" He smiled, proud of his new found love. "I would not change a single thing about you, I find every curve and crease a blessing!" He kissed her gently on the mouth, his hands pulling her night dress up to her thighs. He pulled his mouth away, kissing her cheek, her jaw, her neck.
"Ahhhh. This is improper." She laughed playfully. The Count had already made his way to the centre of her chest with his kisses, pulling at the nightgown. He looked up into her face, and said: "Everything I want to do to you would be considered improper, my love. But know this; as soon as I saw you step out of that carriage-" he continued kissing downwards, his lips even being felt through the silken nightgown. "I fell in love with you then. You captivated me." Elizabeth stroked his hair gently. He had made his way down to her sweet spot. Gently opening her legs, he kissed between them. Then another kiss. Then, his tongue emerged, licking and darting at her most sensitive area. The soft strokes turned into rough fingers being threaded through his hair, as he then slowly slipped an index finger inside her. She stiffened, but as he started to move his finger inside her, she relaxed again. As she became wetter, he inserted another finger inside her. He moved upwards, fingers still where they were, and kissed her jaw. Her breath quickened in his ear, as she became more and more frenzied until, she finally reached the edge and fell all the way over, letting out a small cry as she came apart at his fingers.

"Liz! Wake up! " she heard Seras whisper.
"Hunggaaa?" She murmured.
"We need to go. Master is gone, and there are ghouls at the gates. Get dressed."
"What?! Who? Why? Where's Alucard? Who's ghouls?"
"They're probably the same person who burned the ghouls at the hospital. Master likes to go for walks at night, clears his head, ya know? Come on. Let's go, we'll put that training into action."

Three and a half minutes later, Lizzie was up and ready to go, full jumpsuit and boots on. Her hair was held back in a wavy bun.
"Let's go Seras." She said, holstering her gun. Pip popped up behind her, holding an sniper rifle out for her.
"Here. You need to work on your aim right? Seras and I will take the grounds, you cover us from the roof. Okay?" Seras nodded in agreement.
"Why can't I be on the ground? Seras has 100% accuracy with shots, she's way faster. Surely I'll be more useful on the ground?" She asked, her voice grating. Pip and Seras looked at each other nervously.
"Well... you see..." Pip began.
"Master will have our heads." Seras finished simply. Just as she was about to open her mouth to respond, a load explosion was heard.
"The roof, Elizabeth!" Seras shouted. She threw her an ear piece.

"Careful Seras!" Liz shouted as she carefully took aim with the rifle. She shot the Hun, killing one ghoul. "YES! I got him!" She rejoiced. She started to line up shots quicker, with far more ease than before. She missed 90% of her shots, such as near misses, shoulder/ back shots, and the remaining 10% did the job, nothing fancy. While she had killed 10, Seras and Pip had gotten through the remaining 70.

"I feel useless." She muttered to herself. She could hear Pip and Seras laughing and joking as they piled up the bodies to be burned. Suddenly, she heard footsteps coming up to the roof from the open door. It was a hound. A huge, black hound with dark eyes. Liz stood tall, and the dog came to her stomach. It looked like a Cane Corso... with something else mixed in there. He was too big, and his coat too fluffy. Possibly a Burmese Mountain Dog? The dog in question wandered over to her, tail wagging. "Hello boy! Aren't you a big friendly thing?" A deep bark was the response. She offered her hand out for him to sniff, knowing full well the dog could maul her to death with any wrong move. The dog nudged her hand with his nose, placing it on her head. "Awww do you want some love?" Another bark. She scratched his ears. "I don't belong here, boy." She said quietly as she watched Pip and Seras laugh, even while they piled bodies on top of one another. "The only thing actually keeping me here is Alucard. And I don't know why, but I know if I leave he'll hunt me down. Probably kill me." The dog looked saddened. "I'm not immortal like them. If I die, I die. Nothing can bring me back. Truthfully, I'm scared. And I'm lonely. I feel so... cut off." The dog nuzzled in further to her side, whimpering. For the first time in weeks, Liz let tears fall. No longer in control and surrounded by company all the time, she let it all out. The dog laid next to her, whimpering even loader.

As much as he wanted to comfort her, as much as he wanted to hold her, smooth her until she stopped crying. But she would never forgive me, not for that. She needed time alone, or with a furry companion. With another sigh that came out as a whimper, she snuggled deeper into her side, as she wrapped his arm around his gigantic, furry form. If turning into his hound form was what it took to get close to her, then he would.

Dissembling the gun, she heard Seras call. "Liz! You up there still?"
"Yeah! Still here!" She looked round for the dog, which scarpered off down the stairs. What a sweet dog. She smiled to herself, carrying the now disassembled gun down the stairs.

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