Chapter 3

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Nikki's POV
I got up, happy to see that last night's primping had been successful: my straight blonde hair hung to my boobs with the occasional wave, my skin looked clear and my outfit was the perfect combination of effortless and pretty. Grabbing an apple for breakfast, I texted Ana.

Text Message:
Nikki: hey wanna meet at the bookstore in 10?
Ana: cool. Want me to pick you up?
Nikki: yea.
Ana: be there in 5:)
Nikki: I want a car:(

I stepped into my cowboy boots and smiled. I was ready. Ana pulled up in an adorable blue and white Mini Cooper, sipping a green tea.
"OMG Ana! Your car is so cute!" I squealed.
"Thanks! Wanna drive? I don't know where anything is." She asked.
"Totally! I can't believe I'm driving this adorable car!"
We pulled up to the bookstore in the shopping center.
"So, what do you want to do? We can hang out here, shop, get coffee, whatever," I said.
"Lets shop. I wanna check out the stores before all the good stuff is grabbed," she said.

We walked into a cute boutique that looked stylish and but not like it would empty our pockets.
"Meet at the dressing rooms in 15? I asked.
"Let's do it!" She responded. We split up and started picking up clothes. I got two dresses, some jeans in different washes and a few cute bikinis for my family's upcoming beach trip.
"Lemme see what you got!" I commanded Ana. I was surprised to see that we got almost exactly the same things. Of course, I saw that she got it all in size 00, the smallest size. Go figure. We got dressing rooms brside each other and began trying on our clothes. After a failed dress and a few jeans that just looked... wrong, I tried a bikini. I groaned. My stomach pooched, my thighs bulged and my arms wiggled. I didn't even bother with the rest. I'd never look as good as Ana, so why bother? I was a fat failure.
I exited, leaving the failed clothes in the room. I was shocked to see Ana also emerge empty handed.
"You didn't like anything?" I was unable to conceal my shock.
"It was all too big," she pouted.
"But you had 00's," I protested. She shrugged.

"Wanna get coffee?" She asked.
"Totally!" I said eagerly. I was craving a caramel frappuchino. I also needed a cake-pop. She directed us into Starbucks.
"My treat," she said, smiling sweetly.
"Aww, thanks!" I said hugging her. I was so glad we met.
"One green tea please," she said when we approached the counter, batting her eyelashes at the cute barista.
"One venti caramel frappuchino and one birthday cake cake-pop," I said, my cheeks burning. Why did I feel so fat?

When we got our orders, we choose a cute window table surrounded by two armchairs. After chatting for a bit, I couldn't help my self.
"Ana how do stay so thin and pretty?" I blurted. Seeing my blush, she patted my knee.
"Don't be embarrassed, Nikki. Be beautiful." She told me reassuringly. But now that I'd humiliated myself, I needed to know.
"How though?" I inquired.
"I just eat healthy and work out. We could be kinda thinspo buddies if you wanted," she offered.
"I'd love that! What should I do?" I said eagerly.
"Well let's take this for example. Your drink has over 400 calories, and 150 are from fat. And just your cake-pop has 100+ calories." She cringed. I felt ashamed. I wanted to die. Forcing myself to look her in the eye, I asked "What should I do now?"
"Throw it away. If you can't eat it, it can't hurt you."
She gave me pointers on how to suppress hunger, different workouts targeting my thunder thighs, potbelly, jiggly arms etc. She said that usually hunger is just boredom and to drink acceptable drinks like plain unsweetened tea, coffee and diet coke.
"Is it 6:00 already?" I said disappointedly. I could listen to Ana all day. I took notes on my phone but I wanted, no needed to hear everything. "My parents want me home for dinner," I rolled my eyes.
"You know the drill now," Ana winked.
"Should I start with abs or legs?"
"Start with cardio, then abs, then legs, then stretch."
"Cool. Drop me off 3 miles from my house," I winked.
"Attagirl," she said proudly. After I finished my workout, I slipped into bed, fantasizing about all the calories I'd burn tomorrow.

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