Chapter 6

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"Okay," Ana said. "Time to organize everything." She grabbed a few things and went to the kitchen. She laid out the cinnamon, turmeric and cayenne pepper and pill capsules on the table.
"We're not getting high are we?" I demanded. I trusted Ana, but she couldn't make me do drugs. Ana laughed.
"No silly. We're just making diet pills."
"DIET PILLS!" I shrieked. "Ana do you even know how dangerous those are. People die! They overdose, Ana, and they DIE!"
"Relax Nikki," Ana soothed. "These are perfectly safe. They just naturally increase your metabolism." I breathed a huge sigh of relief.
"Thank god. I thought we were gonna die," I laughed. "So how do you make them?"
Ana poured piles of the three spices on the table. She showed me how to open the pill capsules and told me to fill them with equal parts if each.
"Take 20 minutes before meals or just with water or green tea." She instructed. I beamed.
"This'll be perfect to help with the bites you do eat when parents watch you," Ana explained. "You'll have to pretend to eat in front of them every so often so they don't get suspicious." I nodded takin everything in. I snapped a selfie of Ana and I and posted it to my Tumblr. "Ooh speaking of Tumblr, do you follow any thinspo blogs?"
"No, whats thinspo?" I asked, confused.
"Thin-inspiration," she said breaking it down. "Thinspiration or thinspo for short. Gimmie your phone." I handed it to her. She pressed a few buttons.
"I just followed lovely-skeletons, just-somebodies-dragon and hollowxgirl for you," Ana announced. "Look at that when you're feeling tempted.
"Let's restock my minifridge," I decided.
"You're getting the hang of this," Ana grinned. We trooped down to my bedroom and loaded the water,tea and coffee into my refrigerator. We then set up the full length mirror. "When you want to eat, take off all your clothes, look in the mirror and see how fat you are. That should curb your appetite." I bristled when she said 'fat' but that mentally slapped myself. Ana was honest, and she was trying to help me. Unlike the other bitches who lied and ditched me for some ditzy cheerleader. "Wanna do the abs workout before we sort everything else?"
I asked. I was at -1,000 but if I wanted to lose 3 lbs a week, I needed to get to -1,500 a day.
"Good idea," Ana praised me. We did our workout of 5 sets of 100 crunches, 3 minute planks, dips, 150 sit-ups and 150 Russian twists. It kicked my butt.
But now I was at -1,350 calories.
"Lets get out the measuring tape," Ana suggested. "Take off your shirt."
She wound it around my waist. "27 inches," she said with disgust. "Thats a bad measurement. A fat measurement." Fatass. "How much do you weigh?" She sighed.
"I don't know," I admitted. We unpacked the scale and carried it to the bathroom.
I stripped down to my bra and panties and hesitantly stepped on. I heard Ana's sound of disgust and fearfully looked down. "127 lbs!" I shrieked. How was that possible? How had I let myself get so fat? Fatass. Fucking whale. Fat failure. Cow.
Ana broke my from my thoughts by telling me I needed to go for a run.
"Once you run 7 miles, call me and we'll talk." She said.
"Can I at least eat an apple before I go? I've exercised a bunch today and not eaten a thing," I whined.
"God Nikki, do you want to get even fatter? You're practically obese. You need to lose weight, not stuff your face!" She yelled and left. Resigned, I pulled on my shoes and went for a run.
Grimacing, I opened my water bottle and drank. 3 miles to go. I was going to be so pretty. Think of that. How you'll be skinner than Ana. All the cute clothes you'll wear. Anything but food. Anything but how hungry you are.
My stomach rumbled, pulling me out of my thoughts. I needed to move before I got even fatter. You're stomach's not growling, its applauding. I checked my phone. 2 1/2 miles left. I pumped my legs faster. 2 miles. Sweat dripped down my forehead. 1 1/2 miles. 1 mile. 1/2 miles. After what felt like eternity, I was finished.
Text message:
Ana: done yet cow xD
Nikki: done. Abt 2 weigh myself
Ana: good luckxD
Nikki: thx.
I pocketed my phone and stripped down. Gathering my strength, I stepped on the scale. 126.
Text message:
Nikki: 126
Ana: its a start
Ana was right. I lost one pound. One pound. Barely anything. Using my new mirror, I saw how disgusting I was. I wanted a tiny waist, nonexistent hips with sharp bones poking put under thin skin and tiny thighs. I wanted large hollowed eyes and cheekbones like Ana. I would look like Ana. I'd transform myself into a beautiful skeleton.
A/N the diet pills are actually safe and work really well as long as you start with one a day and slowly ease your way up to 3 a day. Make sure you're not allergic to any of the ingredients first though!:) They work really well for me so try them out if you want!

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