Chapter 27 "It was opened"

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I groan as i sit up. I have this terrible back pain. I must have slept in an uncomfortable position. I sigh and rub my eyes with the back of my hand.

Justin and i didn't speak after the argument we had. Im glad. I haven't answered Carter's calls and messages either. Why would i? They want to send me away! I wont let them.

Maybe i just...need to run away. It cant be now though. This has to be well planned. It cant be something i think of in the moment. It has to be in a week, so i have enough time to plan and pack.

We're going back to the old house today so i need to pack my things. I hope Carter doesn't know we're coming back. I better get packing.

(After packing)
God my back hurts even more now. I was bent over for an hour. No wonder. My fucking back is killing me!

Ugh! I have to get this bag up all those stairs. I know for a fact that Justin won't help me. Not after the fight we had last night.

I groan as i carry the bag up all the stairs. There were definitely more than 20. I twist the doorknob and push the door open. Justin was already having breakfast.

I roll my eyes once Justin and i make eye contact. I drop my bag next to the couch and make my way to the fridge.

"We leave in 20." Justin said finally.

I didn't reply. I just served myself some orange juice and a granola bar. I never tend to have actual breakfast. It's usually something light.

I walk over to the counter and rest my elbow on the table and take a bite out of my granola bar.

"Aren't you gonna say anything?" Justin asked.

I just glared at him for a while and took another bite from my granola bar. I heard Justin sigh.

"Silent treatment i see."

I didn't reply. I kept eating my granola bar and drinking my orange juice as if i was alone and Justin wasn't staring at me the entire time.

I finished my granola bar and orange juice so I stood up, threw the wrapping in the trash can and washed the glass.

"You can ignore me later but we have to go."

Justin said as he stood up threw his bag over his shoulder and opened the front door. He started walking without waiting for me.

I grabbed my bag and went after him. He was already around six feet ahead so i fastened my pace to catch up.

I stopped jogging when i was two feet behind him. I didn't want to be next to him because he would try to start another conversation.

Before i knew it we had already crossed the woods and were on the sidewalk. Justin looked both sides and crossed the street. I did the same but made sure there was some space between us.

We walked for 5 more minutes and we made it to the front of the house. I look at the door. There was something wrong. It was opened.

I furrow my eyebrows and Justin looks back at me with the same look on his face. We slowly walk up to the door and Justin peeks inside. Then he pushed the door open completely and marched inside.

"What the fuck are YOU doing here?" Justin said emphasizing the you.

I move from behind Justin and look at the person.


To be continued

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