Chapter 9 "My Way."

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"About fucking time!" Carter yelled as i came inside and took off my shoes.

"Do you have any idea how pissed off i am right now?" Carter shouted.

"Let me guess....ummm....really pissed off." I said.

"Stop being so goddamn sarcastic." He said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, so you're my mom now? News flash Carter, you're not and i can do what i want." I stated walking over to him.

"But you're my girlfriend." He yelled clenching his fists.

"So? That doesn't mean you can boss me around." I shouted.

"No, but it sure as hell doesn't mean you can leave with other men!" Carter stated.

"God, Carter! He's my friend and he was fucking drunk! I couldn't just leave him in the fucking streets!" I said.

"Right, and you also couldn't tell him you have a boyfriend and that you had to leave." He said crossing his arms over his chest.

"No, because i promised him i wouldn't and i keep my promises." I shouted.

"Here we go again with the fucking promises!" Carter said as he rolled his eyes.

"Yes, Carter. Here we go again trying to make this relationship work when it obviously isn't." I said.

As soon as those words left my mouth i regretted it. Carter's expression changed completely. Most of the time i can tell how he's feeling but he's been acting so bipolar that it's getting very difficult. This time wasn't one of those. You could clearly see all he was feeling. He was shocked, confused and sad. You could tell from a mile away.

"W-what?" Carter asked clearly taken back.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead. I sat down on the couch for a while with my eyes closed and my head in my hands. I felt the seat next to me sink. Might as well say it. He's already pissed off.

"We-should...we should take a break." I finally managed to say.

I look at Carter next to me. He was just sitting there. Staring into space. I saw a single tear fall from his eye.

"I just need some time. To think about us. About, everything really because this." I said as i pointed to both of us.

"Isn't really working out and i need to think if it's worth wasting my time and worth making an effort for." I finished.

"Are you kidding me?" Carter scoffed.

"No, Carter. Im not, im just saying i ne-" i was cut off by Carter.

"If its worth making an effort for? Are you joking? I fucking risked my life for you. I literally disappeared to keep you safe. I almost fucking died! And you don't know if this is worth making an effort for? Maybe YOU should do something for once! All you do is sit here all day and whine about how i don't spend enough time with you. You're so fucking ungrateful! I gave up everything i had for you. Even my fucking life! But somehow you have the nerve to come here and to claim that i don't do anything!" Carter said as he stood up from the couch.

"I don't do anything?" I laughed standing up.

"No, you don't!" Carter yelled walking closer to me.

I started laughing again.

"What's so fucking funny?" Carter asked with a clenched jaw.

"Do you know how much shit I've been through since i met you! Let me mention them. 1) I was kidnapped... TWICE. 2) I was raped. 3) I had to leave my house. 4) I lost my best friend/almost sister. 5) You broke my heart God knows how many times. 6) You cheated on me. 7) When i was starting to make my life again you decided to pop back up and not only... Oh wait this is another one. 8) You hurt me, not only emotionally but physically too. 9) You hurt my friend. Should i go on?" I asked.

"Don't play victim. I have gone through shit too. You know Clara, the world doesn't fucking revolve around you." He said.

"Im not playing victim! I need fucking time Carter! If you really loved me you would understand." I tried to explain.

"That's why i don't! Because i love you and i think we can work this out! Don't give up on us Clara. Just don't." Carter said a lot lower.

"I need to think about this Carter. Whether you want to or not, im taking a break." I said.

"Fine!" Carter yelled and with that said, he bolted out the door.

I let out a sigh i didn't even know i was even holding in. That was like three fights in one. This was probably the biggest one we've had in a while. It was for the best. We needed a break. I sure hope Justin isn't here. It would be embarrassing if he heard us fighting. Who am i kidding? Probably the whole neighborhood heard us.

"Clara?" Justin asked as he slowly came down the stairs.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"W-we needed a break. It wasn't working out. I just don't know what to do anymore." I sighed as i sat back down on the couch.

"It's okay. You made the right choice." Justin cooed.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes, it was the right one. You shouldn't do anything you don't want to. You're a grown woman, Clara. You don't need anybody else telling you what to do. He should understand you and if he doesn't well, then you made an even better choice dumping his ass." He said.

"Thanks Justin. You're the best." I said as i hugged him.

"Are you sure you're okay? You can cry if you want." Justin said.

"I know but I'm not going to. From now on i will be a different Clara. No more little sweet Clara. Ive been played with for too long. Its my turn to play.

My way."

Hi! Man, that was a big fight. I was a little bit inspired. I really wanted to write something big and dramatic. So, that's what i did. See y'all next chapter.

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