Escape the Nightmare, Can't Escape the Chores

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 On the way back I picked up some extra cleaning supplies using the money I had left, figuring we'd make it back by the day's end. I lug it back to the lodge, knocking on the front door with my head. "July, lemme in! I got food and I got supplies!"

"Alright, alright, keep your borrowed shirt on," She says, opening the door and taking the bucket off me. "Apples?"

"Yep, I got 'em. Enjoy girls, cause I don't know what's for dinner." I reach into my bag and pull out the four apples, passing them out.

"Duff, where's yours?" July asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I already ate it, don't worry. I'm not starving myself," I lie with a gentle smile.

"Alright, if you're sure." She tentatively takes a bite before devouring the rest of the apple. I clearly wasn't the only one Hannigan had been starving. Once they were all finished, we found a couple more buckets and a water source.

"Okay, first things first, Pepper and I will tackle the showers, it needs a major scrub down. Isa, July, Annie, take the dorm. Isa, grab any loose clothes and clean em' until they run clean, July, do the same for the sheets, Annie, you scrub it down. I'd like to be able to see the floor through the layer of grime and not be afraid to touch it. I say we've got until 5 before the boys are back. Let's not waste time." We broke off and began to take on the task of cleaning the lodge up. I will not lie, cleaning the bathroom terrified me. It seemed like it would end terribly for my health. And I wasn't entirely wrong, some of what I found was absolutely disgusting. But by the time we were done with it, the showers actually looked decent, and I wasn't afraid of catching cholera.

However an hour later there was an... Unexpected development. Tossing down my cloth, I went downstairs to investigate the voices that had just entered the building. I was met with the sight of two newsies trying to herd the girls inside.

"Oi! Everyone, inside, now!" They immediately filed through the door and into a height order line. "Dismissed. Everyone upstairs. Go help Annie. Elmer, Specs, what happened? The girls can help, can't they?" I looked between the two boys, trying to figure out what happened.

"Well, sure, they'd be able to help-" Elmer starts

"Except we're going on strike," Specs explains.

"Strike? Will someone please give me a full explanation? What the hell happened? Will you still have a way to earn money? And food, what are you going to do for food? Especially now with us-"

"Jack said you'd say that," Elmer snickers.

"He also said not to worry about it. You guys is still welcome here. We ain't gonna turn you away. But you should probably start savin' up any money you got. Look, things were about to get tight anyway, they jacked up the price of the pape, 60 cents per hundred."

"Well that explains it. Thanks for bringin' the girls back, if you're striking I don't want the girls anywhere near the gate, not with the Delancey's around. When will the rest of the guys be back?"

"We don't know. Most of 'em are guardin' the gate, stoppin' scabs, and-"

"And the rest of us are headed to spread the word," Elmer grins, happy to get back at Specs for interrupting him.

"Where's Jack?"

"Headed to Brooklyn with Davey and Les."

"Of course, get Spot behind you, get everyone behind you. But knowing Brooklyn, he's not gonna join you immediately. He'll want proof that you actually mean business." While I was of course loyal to the Manhattan newsies, the fact that Hannigan's alcohol came from Brooklyn meant I had run into Spot Conlon more than a few times. And I may've visited him once, but we both agreed to never speak of it cause we were both drunk. "Honestly, if he wanted Brooklyn to back you guys, he shoulda come back here and gotten Pepper and me. Pep's from Brooklyn and Conlon is a friend. But, oh well. I'm sure he and David will be able to talk some sense into them. Anyway, you best be off if you're goin' to see the other newsies. I'll keep the girls occupied and safe here. Good luck boys." 

So far, this is the only chapter title I actually like. 

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