Together Breakfast

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I couldn't find a good layout of the house that showed the little area by the door well, so everything about Onyx's "room" is just me going out on a SERIOUS limb

Steven trotted up to the front room right by the door, parting the old and battered, starry patterned bed sheets that Onyx put up to create his own room. He hopped up onto the couch, scratched and littered with soft textiles and fabrics. He sat on his knees and reached his hands up to the window, unlatching the hook and pushing the panes out.

"Everyone's out." He stated, looking out at the waves crashing against the sand.

"Guess I'm making us breakfast." Steven went over to the kitchen and began rummaging and rooting through everything he could. He opened boxes of cereal, some cans, and who knows what else. Boxes and discarded pieces of cereal lay strewn across the kitchen floor, a can clattered against the tile. In his arms were a bottle of syrup, a box of toaster waffles, and a box of popcorn. He put two waffles in the toaster and pushed down the button, setting down a can of whipped cream beside the appliance. Once they were finished, he snatched one up, missing the other and picking it up off the counter soon after. He piled four of them up onto a plate and drizzled a load of syrup up onto them.

"Pearl! Garnet! Amethyst! Onyx!" He yelled at the door, pounding his fist against it.

"Is anyone home?!" He yelled once more before turning around with his fists on his hips.

"Hmm..." He put three bags of popcorn in the microwave and pressed a button, seconds later he was rewarded with big bags of popcorn. He poured the bags over the waffles then sat at the stairs of the warp pad.

"One, two, Three. Warp in!!" He tried to pin-point the exact time that the gems would warp back into the temple. When nothing had happened, he fell to the floor with a thud and sighed.

"I guess they're still out saving the world..." He grabbed the can of whipped cream and covered the surface of syrupy waffles.

"Look at you! You are out of control!" He said to the food. He ran to the door and opened it, yelling out into the world.

"Pearl! Garnet!" No response. He shut the door and ran over to the fridge, removing a basket of strawberries. Onyx loved strawberries, often sitting in front of the open fridge and eating them from the basket, not bothering to remove them from the fridge. Steven grabbed one and went over to the waffles, moving his hand to find the best spot to plop down the strawberry.

"It's done!!" He shouted and raised the plate above his head, coating the tips of his fingers in sticky syrup. However, his excitement quickly vanished once he set the plate back down.He flopped belly first onto the counter and sighed deeply.

"That thing's too good for me to eat alone....It's a..... Together Breakfast..." The warp pad activated suddenly, startling him off the counter and onto the floor. The warp stream soon cleared to reveal Garnet, firmly holding a piece of paper by her hip.

"Ah, Garnet! Perfect!" He smiled and raised the plate of waffles off the counter.

"Check it out! It's not exactly healthy, but it's in a stack. So I guess you could say it's a.... Balanced breakfast?!" He snickered to himself at the pun, grinning goofily as he awaited Garnet's response.

"You know, like, I made us all breakfast! I thought we could eat together, like best buds!"

"I can't stay." Garnet replied.

"There's business to attend to inside the temple." Garnet turned around to face the temple door, raising her palms to reveal her gems and open the door. Two red hues came together to meet in the middle of the door and opened, allowing Garnet access.

"Aw, business? Like what?" Steven asked, setting the plate back down on the counter.

"I have to burn this." Garnet took the paper from under her arm and unrolled it, showing Steven the patterns, symbols, and drawings present on the sheet. Soft whispers and wails erupted from the drawing, and Steven stared at it in amazement.

"Cool!" He exclaimed and took a picture with his phone. Garnet reached out and grabbed it, looking down at him with a steely gaze.

"I have to burn this, too." Garnet turned swiftly once more and walked through the door, having it shut right after.

"No, my apps!!" Steven yelped and ran up to the door, slamming himself against it. He rolled up his shirt to reveal his gem, trying to open the door himself.

"Door! Open door!" His attempts did nothing.

"Aw, you never work when I need it..."

I have no idea how to properly disperse chapters.

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