Dumb Police!!

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 dudes, how do chapter spacing 

There was a knock at the door and when Steven opened it, there stood Onyx.

"Onyx! Perfect, maybe you'll stay!" Steven smiled and hugged him.

"I'm sorry little man, I can't stay. The rats under the docks are having a hard time figuring something out, and I've been nominated as the mediator... I've only come back to retrieve something that might help." Onyx hugged him back as best he could, frowning when he let go, then walked over to his make-shift room.

"You can talk to rats?" Steven's brows furrowed in confusion.

"I only noticed today. I can talk to everything, and right now, the rats must talk to me." Onyx replied ominously, walking out of the house holding an assortment of odd things. 

"Dumb police!" Shouted Amethyst, shape-shifted as a cop holding a water gun, bursting through the front door only a minute later.

"Uh, you're dumb!!" Amethyst shot the water gun, and Steven gasped.

"Nooooooooooooooooooooo!" He jumped in front of the waffles, shielding them from Amethyst's shot. Amethyst began laughing, shifting the head of the cop back into her own.

"Oh, man! I totally got you!" She yelled as her hair fell.

"You should have seen the look on your face!" She cackled at Steven who was laying on the floor with soaked clothes.

"Agh, I knew it was you..." Steven groaned, picking himself up from the floor. Amethyst scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"How?" She quirked a brow.

"'Cause that's a water gun, and I'm not dumb..." Steven's brows furrowed as he slipped on a new shirt.

"You got something on your shirt." Amethyst pointed a finger at Steven's dry shirt. Steven looked down, and was immediately sprayed with water.

"Duuuuuuuummmmmmmbbb!!" Amethyst dragged out the word, cackling as she drenched Steven again. Suddenly, the gem-door opened again. A purple line dragged up and down, and expanded like how chewing gum would. Amethyst and Steven snapped their heads in the direction of the door, confused at who would be coming out from Amethyst's room.

"Hey!" Amethyst shouted, returning back to her original form.

"That's my door!" She raced over to the door, the purple separator peeling away to reveal Pearl, holding a sword. With her eyes closed, she stepped out of Amethyst's room and stopped in front of her.

"Oh, Amethyst. There you are. Care to explain what one of my swords was doing in your room?" Pearl glared.

"Having a swoooord party.." Amethyst retorted.

"Oh, please! You took it!" Pearl hissed.

"I did not!" Amethyst frowned, her brows furrowed tightly.

"It's fine, it's in the past, I forgive you.' Pearl gave a smug look and swung the sword over her shoulder as Amethyst rolled her eyes and scoffed.  

"Also, I cleaned up your awful, awful mess. You're welcome." Pearl smiled triumphantly.

"You did what?! I have a system!" Amethyst ran past Pearl and into her room, beginning her mission to mess everything up again.

"Amethyst! Wait!" Steven yelled, running up just as the door closed.

"What's the matter, Steven?" Pearl asked as Steven walked past her, panting slightly.

"I wanted us all to have breakfast together, so I made Together Breakfast, but everyone keeps leaving...." Steven turned just as Pearl opened her door.

"Oh, that's nice.." She replied, clearly not listening to Steven at all. She walked up to the water, and stood still before being sucked down into the water.

"Oh, no! Not you, too!" Steven yelled, grabbing the plate and adopting a fierce look on his face.

"I can't let this become Together Brunch!" He trotted over to the door, which was now closing, but he stuck his arm in the way just before it closed. Steven grunted as he forced the door open with his other arm, and at the sound of faint music playing behind him, he turned.

"Wha-?" Steven looked out at the many pillars of water, flowing down into a pool a few feet in front of him. Out of the closest one, Pearl emerged, turning and twisting gracefully and causing swords to rise up from the water. She searched the scabbards and sheaths until she found one that was empty. With a grin, she slipped the sword back in.

"There we go." She then glared at it, and tilted it up so it was straight, then smiled and placed her hands on her hips. Pearl then sighed, content with the completion of the task, unknowing of Steven's gaze down below.

"Hey, Pearl!" The boy shouted, gaining her attention quickly.

"Steven!" She yelped, and the swords fell back into the water.

"What are you doing in here!? You know it's dangerous for you inside the temple!" Pearl raised a hand and opened the door. Steven looked behind him, then back up with a fierce look on his face.

"We're going to have a nice together breakfast, even if I have to get my shoes wet!" Steven walked forward and stepped into the water.

"What?! Get out of there!" Pearl shouted, her glare softening slightly.

"I'll swim it over to you! See! Doggy paddle, forward!" Steven smiled and used one of his hands to paddle over, raising the plate above his head and watching it so it didn't tip over. However, in the absence of looking where he was going, he was getting closer and closer to the edge of the water.

"Oh, gosh" His eyes widened as he looked forward, seconds away from falling down.

"Wait! Uh, doggy paddle, reverse! Reverse!" He wailed as he was sent over the edge, trying to find a way to get back to the top.

"Steven!" Pearl yelled from up above. Steven barely caught her words as he breathed heavily. The water took him down, with a few bumps and turns like a water slide.

"What the-?" He said, looking up just before he was whisked away. The water bent, up and down, as Steven rode along it on his back, trying to keep the plate steady. The bumps kept getting more frequent, and the current faster, until he reached the end.

"Keep it together, breakfast!!" He yelled just as he crashed into the water, breakfast in tow.

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