Monday Morning

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After what happened Friday night, Valencia dreaded returning to work for the first time since she began working for the company. Their entire conversation, his confession, and his realization. She practically left him in his office without any warning. Roman never tried to stop her from walking out; he hadn't even tried to get a hold of her over the weekend. It was Sunday night, and Valencia was beginning to worry. She lay in bed, her head still spinning from the memories that continued to replay. The way Roman's lips felt against hers, the way his hands caressed her body, the way he fucked her.

Her heart and body yearned for more, but her mind, despite the constant body shuddering reminders, refused to fall under whatever love spell Roman had cast. Valencia knew that she should have pushed him away the moment his arms wrapped around her waist; she should have denied him a moment more because the truth is, if she had known he had a child on the way, Valencia would have taken things slower. Valencia would have assessed the situation with the other woman before jumping into his lap for a quick fuck. Because the truth is, now that she knew the truth, Valencia wasn't sure if she wanted to be involved with any of it.

She had only spoken with Magdalena over the phone, but it was enough to know that the unknown woman wasn't charming. Honestly, Valencia wasn't sure she was ready to care for a baby, let alone someone else. Everyone knows that if you choose to be with a single parent, you also agree to be in their child's life. They were a package deal. If Valencia wanted to be a part of Roman's life, then she'd need to WANT to be a part of his child's life, too.

That also meant that no matter how rude the child's mother was, Valencia would need to be cordial toward her. It was something she'd need to think about thoroughly before making her final decision. Despite what everyone believed, sometimes, love wasn't always enough; it was a choice. It was becoming clear to Valencia that being in a relationship with Roman would be difficult no matter what. Not only was he possibly still in love with someone else, but now he had a child on the way, too. Valencia let out a sigh when a soft ping came from her phone. It was a text message from the man himself.


Valencia, I will need you in the office tomorrow as usual. I have made plans to meet Magdalena for lunch in the office. I will need you to cancel any meetings I might have had for the rest of the afternoon. I hope to resolve it all by the end of the lunch hour, but it may take longer. Please be prepared. -Roman


Also, I just wanted to apologize for my impulsiveness on Friday. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable or exploited in any way. It wasn't my intention. I can't stress that enough. If you have any more questions about me or my life, please feel free to ask anything. I'll be honest with my answers; I hope you can forgive me. -Roman

Valencia couldn't help but laugh. She had never known anyone to sign their name at the end of a text message, which made her wonder if he had forgotten he was texting her on the business phone. Valencia reread both messages. Her heart warmed a little more every time she read the second. Even though Valencia told him she was fine with what happened before leaving his office, Roman still worried that he shouldn't have crossed a line.

She needed him to know that he hadn't pressured her into anything she didn't already want. No matter how fucked up the situation and his life is, Valencia realized she didn't regret what happened. No matter what happened after tonight, the sex they had in his office Friday night would remain a fond memory, and whatever happens next would be left up to fate.


Mr. Ortiz, I have made a note to cancel all meetings for tomorrow after twelve. Your afternoon will be free until 3 o'clock unless you inform me otherwise. I will be sure to be present in the office during Miss Magdalena's visit to record everything being said. I will have everything prepared for you.

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