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Despite the unease Roman had created Monday morning, Valencia had refused to make things awkward between the two during work hours throughout the rest of the week. To his amazement and embarrassment, Valencia was the epitome of professionalism. He wondered if he had the same effect on her as she did on him, seeing as how she made it look so easy to pretend nothing ever happened, and here he sat, struggling with keeping his distance.

Roman was sure Valencia found it odd by now that he was sending her home earlier than usual all week, as they stayed up to two hours late on a typical day and four hours on any given Friday. If she only knew that his self-control was rapidly weakening, Roman knew he couldn't stop himself the next time she got too close. The aroma of her perfume was enough to feed the fire inside him. He gritted his teeth in frustration as her soft, honeyed voice came through the phone.

"Mr. Ortiz, you have a call. It's the same woman who has been calling once a week for the past two months, Magdalena Rosario. Shall I feed her the usual?" Her sweet voice sounded beautiful even over the intercom.

For the first time in weeks, he could think of something more than just the beautiful in the next room. Roman wondered why Magdelan continued to call his office. He hadn't spoken to her in so long, and there was nothing left for him to say to her, and there was no way she could know that he and his alias were the same person. Deciding that it could be business-related, he agreed to take the call.

"You know what, Ms. Reyes, just let her through. Maybe if I hear her out, she'll stop the calling. For all we know, it could be nothing."

"Yes, sir. Good luck; she sounds as angry as ever." He heard a click, and the red light blinked on the first line.

Roman sighed, picked up the phone, and clicked the blinking red light. "This is Roman Ortiz of Roman Industries; how may I help you?"

"Wow, it is you. I wonder how no one else has put two and two together. You have a very distinct voice, Mr. Ortiz," Magdalena teased him.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Rosario, but I have no idea what you are talking about. Is there a reason you continue to call my office and be rude to my assistant?" Before Roman could continue, she cut him off and disregarded everything he had said.

"Don't fucking play with me, Roman. I know I have the right man and have grown tired of playing your games. It didn't take long for my people to discover who you are past that little facade you like to parade around town. That's right, I have people, too, Mr. Ortiz. Only mine are better. A man of your wealth and power, I thought you'd want everyone to know the real you. Why so much secrecy?" Magdalena's heavy Spanish accent was full of malice now.

"Again, I am not who you believe me to be, and I don't know what you're talking about, Ms. Rosario. I have never met you in my life." Roman's voice grew darker.

"Stop fucking lying to me, Roman. I know exactly who you are. Maybe calling you by the name you gave me will refresh your memory. What do you think, Alejandro?" He cringed at the sound of his other name.

"Ms. Rosario, I believe...." Roman's blood was beginning to boil as she cut him off again. He would have never laid in her bed if he knew how bitter and hateful Magdalena could be.

"Don't feed me any of your bullshit, Roman. I may have been an easy lay, but I am not stupid. How long could you keep this up before someone discovered who you were? People who live more than one life tend to be outed eventually. I believe you got a bit too overconfident, no?" A venom-laced laugh traveled its way to his ear, sending a chill down his spine.

"What the fuck do you want, Magdalena? Money? Glory? Name your fucking price, and then leave me the fuck alone," Roman spat, defeated. It was clear she knew what she was doing, but why?

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