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Twins. Roman and Magdalena were expecting twins. The words and images bounced in her mind. Of course, Valencia was happy for them; how couldn't she be? She's the one who told Roman that a child, let alone two, was a blessing, and despite his reluctance in the beginning, it seemed he was looking forward to the idea of having children. Valencia couldn't help the sobs that forced themselves out when the doors to the elevator closed. Just as quickly, though, she had no choice but to choke them back and wipe her tears. Forcing the biggest and fakest smile across her face just as the doors reopened.

Valencia didn't want any unnecessary gossip at the office as she knew the receptionist, Jennifer, would be standing outside the elevator, ready to hand her their order. If Valencia looked even the slightest distraught, there would be talk. Rumors that would burn the entire building by the end of the day. Roman was already dealing with enough, and Valencia didn't want to add any more trouble. Especially coming from his assistant. No, she was more professional than that, and despite all the mixed emotions that swirled inside her, she'd be damned if she was the reason his company was besmirched because she couldn't keep them in check.

"Hey, Ms. Reyes. Here's the food you guys ordered." Jennifer handed her the bag and the cup holder that came with it. So, who's up there? Mr. Ortiz doesn't get many visitors. I don't think he's ever had any visitors." Her brows furrowed as she tried to think of a time when someone had personally come to the building to meet with him.

"Sorry, Jennifer. You know I can't tell you that. You know how Mr. Ortiz is with his privacy," Valencia smiled, making Jennifer pout.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. He's such a mystery." Her eyes dilated, and her cheeks went slightly pink. "No one in the office, aside from you, knows what he looks like. I heard he was gorgeous, though. Care to confirm?" She smiled mischievously.

Valencia smirked in response, "No," she replied simply. "I gotta go; they're waiting for this," Valencia removed her foot from the bottom of the elevator door and swiped her card, smiling as another small pout appeared across Jennifer's face.

When the doors closed, the impending dread returned. Valencia's breath shook as she could already imagine Roman deciding that he wanted to be with Magdalena. With his children. She wouldn't blame him, and it was the right thing to do. Valencia would be brokenhearted, by all means, but she would understand. Standing between the possibility of them forming a proper family was a line Valencia wasn't willing to cross. If Roman chose to be with Magdalena, Valencia wouldn't continue to work at Roman Industries. No, she'd cut all ties with him.

Magdalena had made it clear she didn't want Valencia to be there, and she wouldn't force her presence on them. Besides, the pain she would feel daily, knowing she could never have him, would be too much. She had only known Roman for a few months, but it was enough to know that she didn't want to live without him. Her heart ached at the thought of losing him, but it was inevitable. When the elevator reached the thirtieth floor, Valencia stepped outside and looked in the direction she was supposed to walk in, but her feet refused to move. They had glued themselves to the ground. A breath of frustration pushed past her gritted teeth, her eyes burned, and the tension in her shoulders only intensified. Then Roman appeared, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Valencia, I was worried you had run off or something," he chuckled with a crooked smile upon his beautifully tanned face. Her heart skittered.

"No, not yet," she joked. "Jennifer sprung a conversation on me. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. Here, let me help you." Roman grabbed the bag of food, his fingers caressing hers. They both froze momentarily, quickly regaining their composure and walked toward the boardroom together. "Valencia," he tried again.

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