in the kitchen | lucy chen

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            THE COUPLE WALKED around their shared house, arguing. The two have tried to find time to be together, but Y/n's job was too demanding. Dating a cop didn't make it any easier. She loved Lucy, but they were having the same argument at least once a week and she was getting sick of it.

Y/n was an actor, a famous one at that. She was always out filming something for a show she was working on. When she wasn't filming, she was doing press for something, or walking red carpets. She thought that Lucy would understand since they'd been together for the past two years, but maybe she didn't.

Y/n let out an annoyed breath, moving from the living room to the kitchen to grab a drink. Lucy didn't hesitate in following her, refusing to let it go. "You can't just walk away from this, Y/n!" She shouted, causing Y/n to look at her and take a sip of her soda. She hated having this argument, but she was determined to get to a solution. "We have to talk this out and find a solution."

"I've tried that, but you know this job never has set-in-stone plans!" Y/n argued and took another sip. She wasn't sure what else she was meant to do, she couldn't say no to her bosses or she could get fired. She didn't want to lose her job, but she didn't want to lose her girlfriend either. "What do you want me to do, Lucy? Give me a good solution and I'll do it."

"I don't know, but we're a couple. We're supposed to be able to talk this shit out."

Y/n let out a sigh, setting her drink down on the counter and then walking toward her girlfriend. She wrapped her arms around her waist, in turn making Lucy wrap hers around Y/n's neck. "You're right, I'm sorry for being a jerk." She apologized, resting her forehead against Lucy's. "Can you forgive me?"

"I don't know, can we talk about this like adults?" She questioned curiously.

Y/n pulled back enough to look at her and nodded. Seeing Lucy's smile was enough to calm Y/n down, she always loved Lucy's smile. That was just one thing she loved about her. She returned the smile, soon planting a gentle kiss on her forehead before pulling her into a tight hug.

They may have had arguments recently, but she wanted to work through every single one to be with Lucy. She doesn't know what she would do if she ever lost Lucy. If things worked out the way they wanted, she wouldn't have to think about it. "I love you so much." Y/n reminded with a sincere tone.

"I love you too," Lucy replied, tightening the hug. She feared that Y/n would disappear if she let go.

She desperately wanted this to work out.

It's been weeks since their last argument. They were able to work past it, and they even made plans for dinner at their favorite restaurant tonight. Plans were working out great so far, she just finished filming for the day and she was in her trailer, changing into her comfortable clothes to her date night clothes so she could go be with Lucy.

She had just gotten changed into her suit, soon grabbing her bag and walking outside the trailer. Once the door had opened, there stood her co-star and director.

This couldn't be good.

"Hey, Y/n. I know you had plans tonight, but that last scene you did, we kinda lost the footage." He admitted, his tone coming out embarrassed, soon clearing his throat. No, this couldn't be happening right now. She and Lucy had just gotten back to a good place and this had to happen? "Is there any way you could delay a little bit and reshoot this? It's super important."

"I promised Lucy I would be there on time, I can't do this to her again." Y/n was quick to remind him, but he wouldn't budge.

"It'll be super quick, I promise. She'll understand." He reassured. If he was there for their last argument, he would think differently. "Just call her and give her a little heads up, and then come back to set."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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