runaway princess | lucy chen (REQUESTED)

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IT WAS TIME for the annual ball once again. Always came around on the third Tuesday of September like clockwork. It was a time the whole kingdom looked forward to, especially Y/n's mother, Queen Elana. She always used the masquerade ball as a chance to find her daughter someone to marry to carry the Bernadotte family name.

Y/n however, hated these types of events. She would much rather be painting in her room or go see a show.

Knowing her mother, she would be forced to attend the event with a smile on her face. "Snap out of it, dear." Her mother spoke as she stood behind her, looking at her in the mirror. "That depressed look on your face won't attract anyone." She reminded with that same snappy tone she always used when Y/n would do something like this.

"Maybe I don't want to attract anyone." She spoke under her breath and let out a sigh.

She might not have heard what her daughter said, but that sigh was enough to upset her. "Stop with this nonsense! You know you have to be the one to keep the Bernadotte name alive." Her tone grew angrier by the second.

Just like the ball, Y/n made her thoughts known about it every year. If it were up to her, she would rid of it forever.

She felt that the world would be better without events like this.

Y/n was ready to argue, but the sound of her door opening had saved her. The royal women turned toward the door to see the noble knight, Lucy Chen, poking her head in. "I hate to bother you, but the guests have started arriving. The ball will be starting soon." She spoke before she disappeared into the halls once again and shut the door.

Queen Elana handed her daughter a mask for the ball, flashing her an annoyed grin. There was no getting out of this now, she had to suffer through it. "Left your spirits, Princess Bernadotte. You could meet your perfect match tonight, it would be...magical." One of the servants spoke with a dreamy tone as if they had dreamed of it their whole life. If only they knew how awful these things were.

Once she put her mask on her face, she let out a sigh and walked toward the door. It was time for her to face the crowd although she didn't want to.

She wished she could escape the royal life.

An hour into the party, Y/n stood off to the side with her two friends, Angela and Nyla. The three women held drinks in their hands as they discussed the topic of princes. Y/n would have participated, but the issue is she wasn't interested in a prince. She wasn't interested in anyone for that matter.

Well, there was someone that caught her eye years ago, but she disappeared to never be seen again.

She tried to visit her secret love, but she had up and left without a trace. From that day forward, Y/n vowed to never love anyone again. She didn't want to risk losing a great love like that again.

She would rather be alone than heartbroken.

With the thought of escaping the large crowd of masked people, she stepped away from her friends, looking for a good escape point. She had walked down the empty hallway that no one was allowed access to, soon stepping out onto the balcony. She took a moment to enjoy the fresh air before chugging the rest of her drink. The chill night breeze lightly hit her skin as she looked up at the sky, admiring the stars, moon, and birds that flew by.

She was taking in any detail she could for her painting later on. She needed some way to unwind after a day like today. "Oh, sorry. I didn't think anyone would be out here." She heard someone speak from behind. It was a voice she thought she had never heard before. She turned to see a person a little bit shorter than her.

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