camp time and attack pt 1

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Class 1 B begins their class with All might all racing each other in order to rescue him, each member of Class 1 b shows how much they improve but, in the end, Izuku was the overall winner. Returning to the homeroom they walked in the halls was interesting. Seeing how students were stepping to the side and saluting the class for what they did in Hosu. Taking their seats Vlad king came in looking proud of his class.

Vlad king: afternoon class I had just watched your training and it was very impressive by all of you.

Vlad king: with how you all are going we might send you early to get your provisional license.

Vlad king: but for now, I need you all to get ready we are heading to a training camp outside in the woods in a secret location.

Izuku: Sir, are we sure it's secure I could have a special group of my sons double check and set up traps.

Vlad king: I won't lie I want to say yes but with how the attack by the LOV has been I'll talk to the principal about this.

Izuku: allow me to join you as well if that's ok sir.

Vlad king: very well Izuku now I have a list of things you will need if you want them if not you can live off the land.

Vlad king: with that let us finish our last lessons for the day.

Finishing their last schoolwork for the day the final bell went off, Vlad king and Izuku went to Nezu offices talking about their times in the forces on the way. Once reaching they knock on the door seeing his uncle Aizawa and his father in the room. Closing the door Izuku put a device on it slowly covering the room in a void shield that will make sure no one is able to hear from the inside or outside not knowing someone from the outside was trying to hear but will now not be able too.

Izuku: Uncle father I must ask if i can send some of my forces to hide in the forces.

Nezu: Hmmm nephew may I ask why you are requesting this.

Izuku: I believe there is a spy here in our school uncle I've been noticing signals from an unknown device being sent to an unknown number, my special agent is tracking the source right now but until then security must be tightened.

Nezu: Hmmm this is a dangerous situation if we don't i have a feeling something bad can happen.

All might: We should go with my kid's idea it will give us the extra protection and ill have heroes set up as well near the area just in case where we can jump in.

Nezu: Aizawa would you like your input into this.

Aizawa: hmm sounds logical i will accept this it will be a good way for us to be ready in case there is an attack at least we will have time to hold before All might come in.

Nezu: very well it settles then please Izuku get your men ready to move the location I will provide you i will call our trainers to explain the situation.

Finishing the convo, they begin to talk about other things such as how to improve the training for the future students making changes to dorms that Nezu wants to build in the future. Vlad king stepped out the room after the shields were down to head to finish his paperwork stopping because he thought he heard a noise in the hallway. As the shield goes back up Izuku contacts mars and his commander of the group he is bringing to prepare for a mission to defend the students. Nezu was impressed by the record of these soldiers and their achievements in battle and taking out high value targets.

The raptor chapters were known in the 40k universe for their skill for sniping, taking out high value targets and their skill in ambushes. To other chapters they were not seen with highly seen due to them not being in the front lines but to Izuku they were a valuable asset to the defense of the imperium and provided them with what they needed in return they gave Izuku some of their men to join his legion which he was grateful for. After their talk and giving the mission to the commander Nezu dismiss Izuku and All might so they may head home for the day to prepare for the camp trip.

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